Hub Sensor Limit?

Is there a limit to the number of sensors on a hub? I had a hub stop working a while back. I recently bought a new hub and set it up. I’ve been re-adding all my sensors which takes forever. And now this new hub stopped working as well. I can no longer add new sensors after about 30 or 40. I have around 75-100 sensors across my house, between doors, windows, motion, climate, leak, etc.

I have tried to reboot the hub and that doesn’t work. I can no longer add any more now, it never says the ready to pair when I try. I tried to do a firmware update after this happened, but it just fails every time.

Do I need to buy a 3rd hub and try this all over again? I do have HMS, but that hasn’t worked in months since it is tied to the 1st dead hub and I can’t figure out how to move it,

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Per Wyze each hub supports up to 100 devices:

Well I guess I am not hitting the limit. But these things just have lots of problems for me.

None of my sensors are working currently.

I guess I will try to delete everything and factory reset it for a 3rd time.

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Wow. That is a lot of resetting. I hope they fix these issues. I would like to buy a hub but I don’t need the aggravation.

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