How To Become A Beta Tester

As someone who has shipped to customers in Canada I can tell you my experience and why I stopped. First off my products are not very expensive around $4 each. Shipping on just one small item that weighs less than 1 oz is $20. Most people are pretty good about it but some act as if I am pocketing the money. According to Etsy I have been losing an average of $0.02 on shipping but that is ok. That in of itself wouldn’t be too bad. However when I was shipping (this may have changed) I lost track of the package in the tracking system after it crossed the boarder. Most made it safely. A few though never made it. I then had customers acting as if I didn’t ship it even though the tracking clearly showed I did. I then had to deal with the hassle of the post office and filing claims or just ship another item.

The straw the broke my back was when I basically paid to ship someone another item. I did the math and it was not really worth it financially and it was for sure not worth the time, hassle and stress. I know I am not from Wyze but I bet it is those types of things that go into their decision making. And yes other companies have shown you can do it but it is the 80/20 rule of just going after the larger easier share of the market.