Happy Labor Day (US)

Happy Labor Day!

For all that work or used to work, enjoy your day off.

It is a time to step away from the keyboard and your Wyze app and spend time with family or friends.

Spent my day off with family at a pool party yesterday, so I can relax today.


Same to you.

Glad you got time to enjoy your time with Family


Here’s to things working! They mostly do. :beer: :beers:


Happy Labour Day to you too! Is Sept 1st Labour Day in US as is in Canada?

This year it is on September 2nd in the US. Someone decided it should be the first Monday in September.

Come to think of it, it is the same in Canada too :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Very good. Some of our holidays matchup.


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Did you swim? Or mostly float and :clinking_glasses: . :wink:

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With loads of excess rain, I can tread water in the deep end of the pool without my toes touching the bottom of the pool. I also swim laps with just my arms since the pool is not a lap pool. :swimming_woman:

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That works. :slight_smile:

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