Free Person Detection for V4 (at least according to wyze support)

So, I often see hyperbole when people describe the actions of others (in this case, a whole company). I am in sales now and see it often when people read emails and think the response was snarky, or the person is “stupid”, and “what is this person doing???”. I think people bring a lot of emotions to a subject. Been there, done that myself.

But when you use the word “lie”, you are implying malicious behavior. Deliberate deception. By an entire company…

I don’t see that here. What I see is poor wording. The left hand not always knowing what the right hand is doing because the message wasn’t the same (or clear) across the website. What I see is a young company learning some hard lessons about product development. What they make, what they say, what they print.

I’ve been a user for 7 years. I’ve had issues. I have issues now (Looking at you Wyze Switch on Beta 3). I’ve returned products and had products fail. Wyze returned items. They took my logs. They read my forum posts. They have community managers and actual employees (and FOUNDERS) engaging in the forums. I feel heard and I see a company making products that have made my home SMART (lights, temperature, locks, purifier, protection, vacuum). And it truely is a smart house. I don’t use keys and I don’t use light switches, everything turns on as needed.

But what I have NEVER felt from this company is DECEPTION. Not 1 ounce of THEM trying to get over on people. Think about it, why would they publish deceptive material, on-purpose? That is a a legal headache all day they don’t need over a $30 camera and $120 a year subscription. And it’s not because they are trying to make a quick buck before they get caught.

They have been in business too long to screw around with messing with legal issues.

I think it’s irresponsible to imply a company is “lying” when it comes to marketing material unless there is blatant evidence of intent. I find it interesting that many people’s first thought is “they” are trying to “get over” on me. It seems much more plausible that they just didn’t word it right.

And the thing is, as has been mentioned, they changed wording on the website 3 days ago! Which, suggests to me, that someone has been reading this and agreed with you! They fixed their wording because it wasn’t correct as everyone has pointed out! Huzzah! They listened to you and did what you asked! What is a company to do other than that?