A letter from the founders, what to expect in 2024


Who cares, won’t get me back to buying anything Wyze. App issues being unnoticed for years is throw me off the boat.


In the meantime, you can expect cameras to continue to disconnect in your viewer (preventing you from having a monitoring system on a wall), the inability to customize said view into anything but 4 squares, the inability to counter this issue with third party software (please, no comments about giving over my credentials to use it in a third party program), the inability to open/close your garage door with a widget on your home page, the inability to lock/unlock your doors with a widget on your home page, the inability to easily dump your videos to local storage, the inability to have more than one chime on your door bell, complete lack of desktop software, etc, etc. If this all works for you, great. Glad you have no requirements past having a remote camera. Low cost is meaningless if functionality is missing - and most of this is basic functionality (I mean really, no widgets?) But HEY you got 99 cameras to chose from that may or may not interact with the viewing pages and whoot you’re going to get a lot more. I have 6 various cams, two spot light, door bell and a solar cam - and I’m selling it all. I’ve moved to Reolink because Wyze is so busy making new cameras they can’t be bother to finished what they’ve got. Costs more? Yep. But it WORKS. No connection losses, no issue with third party software, easy to get to my NAS, and oh look right out of the box it expects you’re going to want to actually monitor them on a desktop.


They had it figured out. They removed it.

If is the year of v2 why are there none in stock available through your American site?

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WCO v2?

Or if your referring to the “Year of the Camera v2”, then I am sure they mean the second “year of the camera” is upon us.

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How about stocking some GD air filters for the air purifier units you sold me? That’d be a great place to start 2024.

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New Seattle offices?
Does that mean no more Kirkland, or just a different location in Kirkland (as I understand Monolithic Power Systems are expanding in area - and spent a ton ‘upping’ the exterior of the building)?

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I suggest Wyze add a “notify me when in stock” option to any of these “out of stock, but might show up again items”. I had set up a client with the outdoor cam only a couple months before it was discontinued. The first was a trial. I’ll probably buy it back from them and install several cameras from another manufacturer plus a spare to keep on hand for replacement or future expansion. As a customer who has been around since the beta testing days, I am disappointed.

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Wyze Crapper with Intelliscat AI has competition :rofl:

See Wyze you have competition :poop:

Get a Kohler for you Bear :bear: friend. :laughing:

How many of the 10,000 were used to cover warranty issues? Selling 10 a week on a product that was on the market for less than 1000 weeks? Doesn’t add up.

Personally I have no idea. Forum Moderators and Mavens are not Wyze employees. We are fellow users that volunteer our time to assist here in the forums.

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I wouldn’t get too hung up on the numerical illustration. Jimmy wasn’t necessarily saying those are the exact numbers for this exact camera model, which is why he used the term “IF” (which implies this is not necessarily the exact numbers for this case)… he was simply illustrating an example of why sometimes Wyze eventually stops ordering an item or keeping it stocked. They have talked about this in the past as well when I pushed them to make black versions of some of their cameras. If they do small batches, it is cost-prohibitive, but if they do large batches, they can lose a lot of money paying a fulfillment center or warehouse to dedicate space to storing it when they aren’t going to sell them fast enough to make it make financial sense. The numbers given weren’t necessarily saying these are exactly those numbers for this supplier/manufacturer, but using them, to illustrate why they have to make some of those decisions when purchasing rates begin to slow down on a particular model. They may sometimes get small amounts back from a particular retailer, like maybe from some Home Depot stores or Walmart when they decide they want to shelf something different because sales slowed down on a particular item. I wouldn’t get too hung up on the 10 and 10,000 numbers because those weren’t the point, they were just the illustration to help it make sense why they have to allow some products to stop getting new batches even if they continue to support the product.


good break down, very well articulated


I was just thinking, as for new, innovative smart cameras. I wonder how hard it would be for Wyze to make a camera that uses a new form of detection to only consider 3D objects and ignore all light and shadows. I know autonomous driving tech does some similar stuff already, so it stands to reason that security cameras may eventually do something similar, though nobody has yet (probably has been cost prohibitive). But, I could see some benefit in something like LiDAR or other multi-modal 3D detection/analysis methods to ensure something is a moving object of desired detectability and not just a stationary object or light/shadows. That would be a kind of cool improvement in a security camera and such things are getting to the point where it may be possible soon. Thinking of something like LiDAR and Radar, it could even “map” a layout and overlay of what it normally sees and be able to tell when something substantially changes within a certain perimeter, indicating there was likely a person or pet or whatever. That could be kind of unique and cool to experiment with. They’ve already got some experience with LiDAR mapping from the Wyze Robot Vacuum.

I’m not saying that Wyze IS doing this, just that it would be an interesting thing that a company could bring to smart cameras as a unique solution to the motion detection challenges they’ve all had in the market. Adding some kind of 3D multi-modal factors would be a neat thing to try out.

I’d still like an automated drone that can automatically patrol a perimeter :joy: I mean, a bunch of them used to have a drone business, so it baffles me they’ve never leveraged that experience to launch an automated security drone.

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Please kill me before this happens. :cold_sweat:

(Everyone will be enclosed in a Zuckerbubble of their own choosing by that point so moot I guess… :wink: )


Hey @roborant

Out of curiousity, I looked back in your post history and found you present in this 2020 founders’ thread:

Were you struck (at the time) by the magnitude of ambition they expressed in the video?

I was.

Same question to anyone else.

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im not Terribly up on this, but how does that work with shadows that are cast onto a 3D object? Say a shadow that is down on your driveway but runs also up onto the House, so it is effectively at multiple angles and thus more than two dimensions. Might you know where I could read up on this type of stuff? I need knowledge now.

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