4 hour video upload to phone

Hi. I am using a Wyze to record a project in the garage that went for about 4 hours today.
I am trying to recover the video and am having a tough time. I selected ‘stream playback’ and hit ‘record’ at the beginning of the time period. After about 45 minutes, the phone timed out and when I reconnected with the Wyze, it had wiped out the 45 minutes, and now I have to start over. Is there a better way? Do I really need to ‘record’ 4 hours on my phone to get my video?

btw, I have a flash card installed, so I am replayaing what was stored on the camera.


Hello @duglmac and welcome to the community

If you are trying to retrieve 45 minutes the easiest way will be to remove the card from the camera and put it into a PC and manually remove the files you want