

I am a combat vet from the United States Air Force, MOS Security Police now called Security Forces, Today I mostly work with Nonprofit organizations in helping Vets from committing suicide. I was one of those vets and a Vet reached out to me and saved my life while homeless and out of my mind. I am grateful that I was given a second chance at life so I went back to college to study in the Criminal Justice field at Miami Dade College (The Largest Minority college in the world). After the first two years of college, I switched to My bachelor within the Criminal Justice program to Public Safety Emergency Management. At the College, we had retired Police chiefs, Retired Judges, Active Police Captains, retired FBI Agents as professors. As 2020 is finally coming to an end I look forward to 2021 with Wyze and testing further with them. What a great company and a great disrupter in prices!