We’re Giving Wyze Person Detection to All Users at Whatever Price You Want - 1/11/22

They already have. :slight_smile:
Calling someone a liar is a personal attack not a general statement.

  • Name-calling
  • Ad hominem attacks (personal attacks instead of discussing content of a post)
  • Knee-jerk contradiction

“FAKE NEWS” now falls under; - Do not post political rhetoric.

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It doesn’t appear that confusing.
Even a lawyer could understand it. :slight_smile:

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Missing the column for "didn’t sign up for CamPlus Lite*. Lighter?

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I understand the differences of the services. My problem is figuring out whether I have legacy Lite or not. The app seems to indicate I do, but won’t let me toggle it on.

If only you could charge the service in CAD as well for Canadian customers.

Tongue in cheek nls. As a retired trial attorney you should know that a company is supposed to learn a lesson in how to conduct itself by being called to court. No, it is not about money nls. It is about advertising a service then taking it away by substantially changing it with no provision to keep essentially what was advertised, without AI or subscription, whether waived or not. It will not be long until subscription is mandatory.

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Read the original advertisements Jason. I remember video capture, cloud service, no subscription costs, no AI or facial recognition. Simple. What do you feel Wyze offered? What does Wyze do with all the data collected? What ties to China does the company or it’s principals have? How long will it remain free? When will the “what you can pay or $0” become a mandatory subscription? Lots of questions here, more than can be answered I think.

The bigger picture Jason is that you are moderating a forum for a company that is at the forefront of the digital revolution. A development that could potentially enslave mankind. I know, rather a “conspiracy theory” statement but… others should be suspicious, critical and questioning of the larger implications other than the cost or change and addition of functionality. There are ethical considerations. Corporate America is running roughshod over the public and we can only learn and uncover the truth by asking questions and yes, being critical and challenging of intentions and offerings. Nothing is free without another benefit to those offering it is a good idea to keep in the mind. What does Wyze want from the American public besides it’s cash and the recognized images of everyone who passes in front of our cameras?

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I just spoke to the service line. It seems I do not have Cam Plus Lite because I am not subscribed to any other service.
He told me that if I subscribe to Cam Plus for my doorbell, I would then get Cam Plus Light on my V2 camera.
It would seem that subscribing to Cam Plus for $15 a year and getting Light on my camera would be a better option than paying $1.48 a month/$18 a year for just Cam Plus Light. The service representative agreed.
Am I figuring this correctly?

No… Log on to to services.wyze.com with your Wyze app user ID (upper right corner), then go to My Account (again, upper right corner), then click add a subscription, scroll down and Subscribe to Cam Plus Lite. It will ask you to name your price. Name it. If you want to pay $0, you need to select “Custom Amount”. Review your order & subscribe.


So if I wasn’t a current user and I buy a Wyze Cam on February 16, I won’t be eligible for any free cloud recordings?

Yes you would be you just have to sign up. Feb 15 is just when they will start showing thumbnails instead of videos. You can still sign up after.


UltraLite :grinning:


…what Reefer said.

The announcement got me looking around to add it.

I found out I was signed up for monthly, from Apple app.

Isn’t that interesting:

There were no instructions that would get it running.
I had to ask Support to help get it setup.
Support ignored my questions about getting it to work only on the WYZE Camera v3 and WYZE SD card, instead got it into a paid service.

When I looked in my Apple account to pay $19.95 I saw I had been paying the monthly rate all along. I decided to sign up to try the free account offer instead.

I had the same problem: it didn’t work.

I sought help here to get it running, and did, only to find out I had a ‘nag screen’ 12-second announcement instead and a ‘5-minute break’ in my app.

There is no reason not to have Notifications in the app.

I have many apps that provide Notifications.

In fact, there is no reason for the app not to operate my WYZE Cam v3 alltogether entirely in my WiFi.

…and this is what I thought I was purchasing.

…just like Reefer said.

WYZE business practice is bait-and-switch.

This is why I am so willing to write a bad Review and a complaint to Amazon, if the ‘5-minute break’ isn’t removed in a reasonable amount of time for WYZE to get it done.

:cut_of_meat: Busted lawyer chops: A favorite dish! :wink:

I’m tempted to ask the esquires among us for their best lawyer jokes, but alas, that would be enticement to break Guidelines, so I shan’t… :grin:

Cam Zen: Adapt to whatever you get.

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I dreamt Pootin invaded So Cal last night. :worried:

Turned out it was just Petronella Possum and her pals on a bender.

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I accept your offer to “Read the original advertisements…”
Could you please point us to and/or post the part where you claim it says that the purchase of the product includes free lifetime “…video capture, cloud service, no subscription costs…” with each camera purchased?
Did you get yours with a package insert that said that?
When you start talking about legal actions I think you should support your case with something concrete, don’t you?
Maybe you are right but in my experience when services are combined with a physical product and sold together, it is sold as a service with the physical product included free, not the other way around.

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The 5-minute cool down will only go away if you purchase a subscription other than Cam Plus Lite. It sounds like you were using Cam Plus, if you switch back to that the cool down will again be gone


I assume you can always manually record from the SD card with NO paid plans, just more effort to get the same footage. And SD allows longer clips than the free cloud plan. You’d be paying for convenience but still able to get SD card video (not just stills) on a free account. True?

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