Possible solution for lost person detection announcements in alexa

@customer you and I have been in the throws of Ms. Alexa’s tantrums in the past together. I have unboxed a V3 and diving in to see what’s up.

So far…
Added the new V3 w/32GB SD card to my environment
Alexa sent notification that the device was Auto added to my Wyze Skill
Updated to the most current V3 FW
Applied a CPL License to the Camera

Went into the Alexa App and the there the Camera Was BUT,
Tells me the Camera Version does not support live stream and Tells me that I need an upgraded plan to do person detection.

You and I both know that Live Stream is supported on the V3. In addition I cannot pull up the V3 on my show devices at this time.

This is where I (and I know you have to) let Alexa percolate a bit… I will keep watch let’er steep and see what happens then dive in a little more once we get to the next phase with good ol’ Alexa.

UPDATE: 12/20/22 3:02 PM EST
I am now able to View the Camera on My Echo Show Devices
Alexa still shows that live is not supported in the Alexa app
Alexa still says I need to upgrade my plan for person detection

UPDATE: 12/20/22 10:55 PM EST
Alexa still shows that live is not supported in the Alexa app
Alexa still says I need to upgrade my plan for person detection

I also noticed that a V3 I deployed about a week and a half ago that has a Cam Plus license assigned to it is exhibiting the same exact behavior as related to the person detection and Alexa announcements. I am almost willing to bet there is something broken in the integration somewhere as related to new devices. All of my other V3s, V2s, Pan Cams etc that support this capability and that have been in service for awhile are fine.

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