POLL: How Intuitive is the Wyze App?

Having said that…

Here’s my daily use case and the quality of my experience using the app:

I review Events (cloud clips) in landscape and swipe fullscreen from one to the next. If I see something of interest and want context for the scene there are a minimum of 7 moves:

portrait > back > back > camera-group aster_5 camera aster_5 view-playback aster_5 landscape

necessary before I can begin to search the timeline for the corresponding SD event.

This assumes there are no connectivity (negotiation) roadblocks here aster_5

The process of searching the timeline is awkward and can be beset by significant lagginess when using the timeline left/right arrows to move from SD event to SD event - or in viewing the footage itself.

Assuming one’s local network is not the cause, I think the lag may be due to the camera recording a current SD event to the card at the same time one is browsing the card for a past event. Sum total,

This is the least intuitive process I can imagine.

For sure, I’m a dutch uncle - I respect the Wyze team and their openness to hard, fair criticism. So,

Keep getting better.

I have no doubt you will.

(And, please please please, take breaks, walk by the briny lake, toss acorns pine cones over Mr. Gates smart fence, in short, take care of yourselves. The pace at which you’re traveling is breakneck and I worry about you. :slight_smile: )