[NO POLL] 🌳 .o is a raging success, stable as a shimmed-up table!

Like those early cars with solid rubber tires. Jarring. :slight_smile:

That :point_up: was a gratuitous quip. It is my sense-opinion that :deciduous_tree:. o is actually quite good and is being well-received by the user-base as a whole.

It is also my ‘sense-opinion’ that we’re all in for a jarring ride for the forseeable future - regardless of how the Wyzapp performs. :worried: :worm:

The @Crease commented about a surgical resident and ‘the enemy of good’ that’s worth recalling but I’m tired of quoting him for the moment. :slight_smile: People should zoom-the-eff-out and say heck it’s improved and it’s free and 90% of everything still works! :+1:

This isn’t aimed at anyone in particular, it’s truly just a scattershot. :kissing_cat:

Shrapnel as opposed to an aimed bullet. :roll_eyes:

Event upon event upon event.