Yikes ! a Magic Truck

I personally think my protection detail :raccoon: :raccoon: :raccoon: has a secret weapon in their fort.


This second video is HERESY! You can totally tell it was edited and fake propaganda. The reflections are all wrong if you look closely enough (Source= β€œTrust me bro”). It is WAY too different from the original that captured the phasing tech. You can see little video editing artifacts if you pay close enough attention. Total fake. I believe the first video over this one.

This tech should be available to everyone, not just the Navy and Bandit Racoon Armies.

Fake cruise.

Must have been a misfire, almost got the FedEx van. :grin: Cloud event video.

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Obviously, someone has reverse engineered a Romulan cloaking device.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: now that you can use for security!

Key frame compression error.

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Nope ! My brothers did it. :joy: