WyzeCam V3 bright flash and reflection - can't view years at night

Hi Wyze people,

I love the daytime view and playback capability on our Cam version 3. I’ve read through this discussion thread and I haven’t seen my same exact issue so I’m writing to request your assistance.

The camera works perfectly during the daytime, but at night when it gets dark it does a bright flash and then I can only see the reflection of the lens throughout the entire night. Needless to say, it is extremely aggravating and I am attaching a screenshot of what I see.

If any of you have the same issue and have found a"fix" to prevent this from happening, I would greatly love your guidance. I have moved the camera to various locations to make sure it’s not looking straight at motion flood lights I have outside. But that is not working. I’ve adjusted the night vision settings and the intensity settings. Neither of those are working either.

I don’t have the option to mount the camera outside so it is currently mounted in the house on a window ledge.

Thank you for direction!


Your cam is capturing a reflection of the cam’s infrared LEDs on the glass at night. If you can’t mount the cam outside, you’ll need to turn the IR LEDs off. Go into cam’s settings > Advanced Settings > Night Vision IR Lights > Off. You should also turn off Camera Status Light as it will also show up as a reflection.


@Seapup is dead on. In the infrared spectrum, clear glass becomes a mirror, especially windows which have energy saving coatings on them to reflect heat (infrared) in and sunlight (ultra violet) out.

Sometimes with an extreme angle it can be made to work but will always have some impact on the image quality. Your two options are to try out night mode = off which will use “color night vision”, depending on how much ambient light you have outside, may or may not be enough. Then the other option is night mode auto with IR LED set to “off” and see if that picks up enough.

Beyond that, installing an outdoor IR light or mounting the camera outside are the next options (the cable easily feeds through a closed double hung or sliding window, all mine are wired like that).

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