The pages look the same, and actually. I unplugged the satellite router and I cannot see any of my three SSIDs. It appears that the root isn’t actually broadcasting any wifi at all currently. Even after many unplugs and reboots.
That is interesting. Wonder if the Primary is defective. When you go into the app and select the Router. Take a look and see if the WAN IP information exists. If not, then there could be a different issue.
WAN IP there and the satellite is getting it’s Internet connection from that. I have submitted a ticket to support. I know these things run warm. But the primary is really hot to the touch. More than usual.
Ticket and log was submitted. I’m pretty sure through testing that the router is probably bad. I will leave this be for now. My area is expecting storms tonight, and I’m on call for my employer tonight so I do need some wifi to move around.
I do also think I would have to reset the whole network to make the satellite the primary. I can run off the satellite for the mean time. I’m just going to have to pay attention to the primary’s temperature as it does seem quite a bit warmer than usual.