Wyze camera connections customer support

i have been unable to get my cameras to work for a very long time i have tried reaching out to customer service and never seem to get a response.

My Cam v3 stop working. Failed when try to reset and reconnect . The cam v3 do not see all the available network on DECO AX3000. Please help?

Can you provide more info on the issue you’re having, symptoms, etc?

Did it ever work with that Deco router? Is the Deco advertising a 2.4ghz network (the v3 won’t see 5ghz). Have you tried a factory reset on the v3 (holding the button for 15-30 seconds)?

It was working on the Deco router under the 2.4 ghz band for about 3 weeks then stopped maybe just after the software update.
And Yes, I did try resetting it multiple times to no avail.
What should I do? Many thanks for your help.


You can try temporarily disabling the 5ghz band on the router to force your phone onto the 2.4, to see if your router may be blocking communication between them, that has been an issue for some people.

Will try and let you know soon!

it’s not working…any other thoughts?

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how do you disable this? force router is what i’m referring to

Somewhere within your router you should be able to turn off the 5ghz band.

Or if you are using two different network names for the two bands, you can connect your phone to the 2.4ghz one and that will have the same effect.

Factory reset the cam and uninstall/reinstall the wyze app. Is your cam running the latest firmware? If not may need to update it using the manual SD card method.