When the firmware updated a few days ago, the Doorbell V2 started recording events and notifications started working. I thought that was the end of the months long outage.
I am now on Now the camera is behaving poorly after running well for a few days.
The doorbell camera is in a device group. When opening all of the cameras in the device group, the doorbell initially connects, then says “The device is offline.” It will periodically reconnect for a second and then drop again in the iOS app. If I click on the camera (where it says “device is offline”) it takes me to a perfectly working live feed. I can even access the SD card data without issues from the app. The camera appears to be working even though it cannot be displayed within a device group.
Similarly, if I try to access my cameras from Wyze Web Live, this doorbell says “Device Offline.”
I am unable to use the iOS app to restart the camera. If I click on the restart button I just get a message that says, “Failed”.
It’s really odd that some parts of the app see the camera as offline and other parts of the app have no problems showing me a live feed or the SD card history.
I don’t think this is the golden firmware yet.
[Mod Note]: Your post was moved to this Wyze News firmware announcement topic for better visibility to Wyze.