Wrong microSD cards sent with camera bundle

I’m just wondering if there is any real solution to having purchased a v4 camera bundle that was supposed to come with four 128GB microSD cards, but instead came with 32GB cards.

I purchased the bundle and was shipped the wrong things, so I’m not at all convinced simply doing a return and reordering will solve things.

I received a promo code from making this purchase that I planned to use toward a doorbell, which will be invalid if I do a regular return and try reordering the bundle. And that offer to earn a promotional credit is no longer active either.

I called customer service today and gave up after being on hold for almost an hour. The chat thing just sent me to the returns page. The return process gives me no option to simply exchange the cards for the correct ones.

Am I just supposed to be satisfied with not receiving what I paid for?

With chat usually if you say agent a few times during business hours you’ll get through to someone.

Welcome to the Forum, @lauripple! :wave:

In your situation, I’d be inclined to open a ticket.

This is how I prefer to submit tickets (you can click/tap to expand this):
  1. Visit the Help Center: https://go.wyze.com/help[1]
  2. Click into the “AI-powered search” box in the middle of the page and enter create ticket.
  3. Click Yes, that is correct.
  4. :point_up: Repeat Step #3. (:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: UGH! :roll_eyes:)
  5. Click No, I do not like chatbots.
  6. Click This is about a product.*
  7. Click Other.*
  8. Click Create Ticket
  9. Enter your contact details and a brief issue description (include a Log ID if you have one) and click Submit.

     * Make your own appropriate/relevant choices here.[2]

It doesn’t really matter how brief the description is. Wyze’s system will generate an e-mail message to you automatically with a Wyze Ticket number, and you can just reply to that message from your e-mail client and add as much detail as you want.

Unless I have an issue that I think can be resolved rapidly via chat, I prefer doing that because I can e-mail and include all necessary detail at my convenience, and in my recent experience with Wyze Support issues that have involved warranty replacements (which I realize isn’t the same issue you’re addressing) they’ve wanted me to supply several pieces of information to confirm that I possess and paid for the things that I’m seeking assistance with. For me, that’s fairly easily handled via e-mail.

Also, if you open a ticket and have problems with resolution, then sometimes sharing that information (and the Wyze Ticket #) in the Forum can assist with escalation, should that be necessary.

Please note that this is primarily a user-to-user support community, but a lot of us try to do what we can to help each other out, and sometimes that includes tagging in some Wyze employees who occasionally participate here.

  1. This might be a good one to bookmark. ↩︎

  2. I’m demonstrating my typical path. The number of steps will likely be the same and result in the identical endpoint regardless of the choices you make. ↩︎


Return everything and hopefully the second time they will get it right.


Better off ordering through Amazon, Far Less Hassle to deal with when getting refunded or returning items.

Wyze just adds a long delay to the process and more calls to get through, whereas Amazon is Simple…


Been there.

Done that many times.

Never got the T Shirt. :thinking: