Why is this camera reporting to China?

Te comento que yo si compre por medio de amazon y recibí dos cámaras idénticas pero totalmente en idioma china , lo compartí en la página de wyze y si me confirmaron que están falsificando cámaras wyze
de empresa como Xiaomi o Xiaofang

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I’m not sure if I’m being monitored, but I have been keeping a diary of all the odd occurrences I have been experiencing with my Wyze camera. Today was undeniably odd as all of the recorded events, between the time I first went outside in view of the camera to the time I returned inside, disappeared for about 10 minutes before it reappeared in the event log. This happens quite often and I’m not sure what it means. However, I’m sure there’s a technical explanation for it.

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I believe they’ve hacked my phone and generated 45 gigs of data in the last 30 days as a result, which is unheard-of for me as I only use roughly 2 gigs a month. I have since uninstalled the app. Was a customer for about 2 years and used to love their products. Never had a problem with the actual cameras, just the app.

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You may not care now, but our President has had all devices manufactured with generic components from China removed from the White House security network. This includes all of the cameras on the property. Furthermore, in addition to US restrictions on several Chinese electronics manufacturers, it is possible that Wyze could suffer a terrible fate in favor of national security. This would mean that your cameras would not only stop working, but they’d technically be illegal to use.

Now realistically, I can’t imagine how this could actually happen, but then there are a lot of things that have happened recently that I could not have imagined.

Another thing to consider is how simple it would be for Wyze to setup a US-based relay that all of the camera activity would go through thereby easing concerns over privacy relative to China. Plus, it would be much more efficient for them to compress huge volumes of streams and send them in one package than to have every camera send the data itself (though it might be more expensive to Wyze…not sure).

And for those of you who think that it’s not a big deal, you should watch the documentary about Cambridge Analytica to see how they were able to sort through data that seemed completely innocuous to come up with methods that leveraged people’s habits and beliefs to get them to do things that benefited their client (like convincing half of a country not to vote during an election).

If that doesn’t convince you that your simple routine of brushing your teeth on camera subjects you to Chinese intelligence that could find a way to manipulate you, lookup the story about Target’s use of video analysis to determine accurately how pregnant a woman was by her shopping patterns. They used this analysis to target those women with special ads designed for expecting mothers. The problem is that when a man came in to ask why Target was promoting baby stuff to his daughter, they found out before he did that she was pregnant–scary if you think about it.

I think Wyze is on the up & up, but I don’t blame people for being concerned.

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