And yet it doesn’t mention wifi connectivity anywhere. But you ASSUMED it had it anyway.
That’s your own fault. Be pissed at yourself for not knowing what you were buying. It’s 100% your fault.
And yet it doesn’t mention wifi connectivity anywhere. But you ASSUMED it had it anyway.
That’s your own fault. Be pissed at yourself for not knowing what you were buying. It’s 100% your fault.
You’re not incorrect, I should have researched it further.
But I still don’t understand why they would not have wifi as an option. I can still question the logic behind a product line-up. Might not match with their product plans, even if I think it should.
In any event, since the product line up does not meet my needs, I’ve switched.
These are the same reasons I was dissatisfied. I’d prefer a full-featured product. Basically looking for the function of the Yale Assure w/ Ring in their product, plus a fingerprint reader, in an integrated lockset.
Wyze has their reasons for not offering this solution. I’m not entirely convinced/persuaded by the “wifi is not secure” argument. Most thieves are not tech saavy.
The primary reason of the bolt is to NOT have WiFi. It’s that simple. It was built for the sole-purpose of not having an IoT Lock.
People who are security minded didn’t want their front door on the internet. It really is that simple. Go watch the “Lock Picking Lawyer”. He has said as much on his end.
You are missing the entire point people are making. We are are asking for another option that has this function. They can keep this lock as it is, but offer another with wifi. It’s a simple request - please make a version of the bolt that has wifi. (The Wyze Lock does this already. However, I think we an all agree that’s it’s a pretty inelegant solution.)
For “security minded people” who don’t want a wifi door lock, fine, don’t get a wifi door lock.
Watch a guy with a hammer break into a house. Your average junkie isn’t a whiz with wifi.
Here is another wish list topic that you can vote and comment on to support. Its focus is to add fingerprint capability to the wyze lock instead of adding Wi-Fi to the lock bolt.
You are saying you want a aesthetically pleasing WiFi lock with Fingerprint. I understand 100%.
But, the subject is “wifi for the BOLT”. Which tells me WiFi is the most important feature to a lock for you. I would tell you to switch to the Wyze Lock. It has a keypad so you can give out guest codes. It may not have fingerprint reader but that seems unnecessary when you have a keypad and geofencing.
I don’t use the keypad, my geo-location + phone unlocks my front door and locks my front door. The fingerprint reader is pointless on my lock. If friends/family come over, they use the code.
I 100% understand what you are saying. I’m saying that a fingerprint reader is pointless on a WiFi enabled lock. The fingerprint reader is used in place of being a WiFi lock that can automatically open by detection methods.
Not for me. I would use both. I like WiFi to be able to do the following:
I honestly prefer to have to use the fingerprint reader when I return home, and don’t ever want the door to automatically unlock for me based on GPS. However, I still want WiFi for the benefits that come from Notifications and Automations/rules that aren’t possible with Bluetooth.
The fingerprint reader is just so awesome! But Bluetooth doesn’t allow for notifications or automations/rules. That is a HUGE downside. If the Lockbolt had WiFi I would have these on every single outdoor door in my house (4 doors) and my small business office doors too.
That is why I would like both. I don’t care too much about the GPS auto-unlock stuff, but I do care about notifications and automations/rules and the Bluetooth version doesn’t allow that.
Absolutely. I love the fingerprint reader on my Wyze Lock. No codes. No keys. Just touch and enter. My little granddaughters thinks it’s fairy magic.
I hear you. I know we all have preferences. And I haven’t used a fingerprint reader on my doors.
I will still stand on the difference of what we are talking about is Geo-Fencing vs. Fingerprint reader vs. keypad.
I am doing everything you mentioned using Geo-Fencing right now. I know you don’t prefer that but it literally does what you are saying (Turns on the T-Stat, Unlocks the front door, Turns on light inside the house and turns on lights on the outside of the house to greet me with brighter light). You can also set automations for things to happen when the door unlocks… (i.e. someone uses the keypad to unlock the door, that means they are a safe visitor so run the script for them). You can’t differentiate in the automations on “who” unlocks the door by code though… it’s just a generic, if door “unlocked”, do this. I suspect a fingerprint reader would do more of the same.
And of course, Geo-Fencing doesn’t cover everything, that is what the keypad is for. It allows for 1-time codes and for those that don’t use the app. Not as slick as a fingerprint reader but the drawback of a bluetooth only lock is that if you aren’t home… and a new family friend shows up at your house to get something out of your house, you can’t help them. They keypad covers every other base for friends & family. And gives them the ability to go in your house without you remotely unlocking it too.
Your ideas of different fingers doing different things (very spy movie) is a great idea but I’m guessing they won’t do that depth of automation.
But, at the end of the day… why not make Wyze Lock V2 with Wifi & Fingerprint reader that looks better? Good question. I would buy it.
Because they aren’t the same product.
One has a keypad and is a complete product.
The other requires a deadbolt with a key already in place, and has no fingerprint. It also requires a separate keypad, so it’s ugly.
I thought I was ordering more or less the same lock WITH a keypad.
I trusted Wyze to make a decent product. That’s on me, and they’ve lost my trust, even if I am the stupid one. Thank you for the kind words.
I already admitted I should have looked at the add better, but you’re being extremely “blame the victim” as well as demeaning.
I hope you never have to deal with the medical system throwing your mother literally on the street with no one to care for her, and still have the presence of mind and the time to read every line of a rather confusing marketing website. Maybe your Mom can hobble on the sidewalk while you do your due diligence.
I made a different decision, so sure, call me stupid.
I think it’s a very limited product. Again, you could just WALK OVER and open the door. This product is nearly useless. That’s not on me, it’s on Wyze.
Maybe it’s a trick to get you to buy the OTHER doorbell and spend even MORE money. It worked! Congrats to Wyze.
For Earl:
People who are security minded didn’t want their front door on the internet.
And you think Bluetooth is more secure than IoT?
Interesting …
This blog explicitly points out that Bluetooth is worse than WiFi from a security standpoint:
I tried Geofencing, and it unlocked the front door when I was in the bedroom above. No “Z” value, or at least not taken into account, so it was horribly insecure. My door was open all night. It also didn’t unlock very consistently.
The Bolt could work the same way, Bluetooth is good at that kind of detection.
Also, you COULD use different fingers for different functions, except automation is pretty much impossible for the deadbolt. You would just register a different finger under a different “User” and setup automation for that “User” differently.
If they had an OpenAPI (I haven’t checked for this) then I could put a RaspberriPI near the front door and build an IFTT that way …
I think I’ll just buy a second lock. I’d swap them, but I’d have to leave my house without a deadbolt for a week while I carry the lock up to swap the bolt out.
So Congrats Wyze! Your product made more sales! Nice going.
Sorry to be grumpy.
For those of you worried about my mother, beware of Kaiser. They won’t even let her stay in transitional care until her hip is healed; only 2 weeks.
I also bought the video doorbell, so at least I know who’s using the front door.
No, but that is the #1 reason that lock exists. Plain and simple. It was made because people didn’t want their lock on the Internet.
I made no proclamation on my position of this opinion, I simply stated that Wyze made the lock so people could have more piece of mind. Whether that is objectively true or not, is not what I’m saying.
But that is the reason Wyze made the device. Dead Stop.
You seem extremely unhappy with the product… why haven’t you returned it? It’s a free market. Lowe’s/HomeDepot/whatever has a ton of these things. As does Amazon.
Your angle of sort of “blaming” Wyze seems odd. They didn’t hide anything from you. They were minding their own business. And would be happy to refund you fully if you didn’t like it. So why not take them up on that if you haven’t already?
It was made because people didn’t want their lock on the Internet.
References to polls? It could also have made because someone goofed up and then they made this excuse.
Do people want their lock off the internet or do people want their lock actually secure? That’s different, and it turns out, the two are opposed if anyone is technically honest - as I posted.
Do people want a lock with an included touch pad? That’s a big need also.
Do people want a lock that they can remotely assign access? That’s a big need also. (not an hour to expire one time code)
I’d bet the latter two are larger needs than your supposed “let’s make a lock that you have to be physically present for”, ah, excuse me, “non-Internet lock”.
The same people that bank over the internet, right?
Because, we have a ton of those non-internet locks. Just walk over and unlock it.
You seem extremely unhappy with the product… why haven’t you returned it?
I already explained that - clearly you’re all about blamestorming and not too much about listening.
Because the lock is now a nine hour drive away.
How do I return it?
My Mother fell and broke her hip. I flew into town, and frankly, between being at the hospital with her and pouring over EVERY FINE PRINT LINE of an Amazon web page (you missed this part too - the two product description web pages are a little bit different), and having a product that - while described - is absurd - I’m going to spend time with my Mother’s doctors, right?
Keypad or hole in the wall?
Internet or Bluetooth only?
Not much of a choice. THAT’s why I don’t return it - I’d have to replace it with two wyze products AND still buy a deadbolt. That’s a PITA.
I agree with the person above. I think it should be Wi-Fi enabled because my fingerprint never works. I have the numerous resets and I’ve never had luck with it. Plus, if I am away, and create a guest password it takes about 10 to 15 minutes for a guest password to actually work. The Wi-Fi one I can unlock it and lock it back within seconds as well as the separate keypad I can create a guest code and it works automatically. The lock bolt should be Wi-Fi enabled no question asked. I despise it not being Wi-Fi enabled. I wish I could return it, but I would have to replace every lock afterwards because the builder chose another smart lock
It seems like everyone here just should’ve bought a Wyze Lock in the 1st place and ditched the Bolt?
I did for 3 doors but I couldn’t for one of my doors because the builder used a schlage lock on the front door so I would’ve had to buy all new door locks for my whole house with all new matching home keys plus having to re-stain the entire door to match it. The best solution and more effective is just getting the bolt for that door but it just sucks how it’s not WiFi compatible
Fair point.
If they could make a complete lock and offer to disable features as the user wants, that would be the best of all worlds. Not sure if that is feasible in a feature set but it sounds nice.