Watch 47 and Google Fit

I have given up on it. I don’t think the product is ready for prime time. What bothers me about this is that the company does not seem to care. The Wyze Band was released before the watch and the band users complain about problems syncing with Google Fit as well. Wyze has this problem and does not seem to be interested in fixing it, Nor are they interested in removing the feature from the advertisements. I purchased the product because they said that it works with Google fit. I have Wyze cameras, switches, light bulbs, and a thermostat. They all work as advertised. I figured that watch would as well. Clearly I was wrong. I will now be less likely to purchase their products before they have been released and reviewed. I think they tried to grow too fast. THe released some many products in a short period of time. I wonder if the other products were half baked as well.

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How were any of you able to even get Google fit to integrate at all, even if you are having syncing issues? There’s a fair number of you on this thread that indicate that you were able to at least see an option for Google fit in your app or watch. I don’t even have the option in my app around my watch, which I got for Christmas a couple of days ago.

There is another app Called Fit To Fit. Basically, it syncs all your information from all types of devices including smartwatches, scales, heart monitors, and blood pressure monitors and syncs them to the google fit app. This is the only way I have gotten them all to work together and it helps a lot now. Due to the lack of integration with the Wyze watch with most apps and that it does not measure sleep and other things I have switched to a fit bit on nights and wear the Wyze watch during the day. But due to some of the things it does not have on the watch that I want I may switch to a Garmin or another Fitbit to measure altitude, progress, 02, and other things.