VROOM? V2? rc?

Welcome @lcybowen!

This means the cars sold out before you completed your order. You should contact support to see if your payment and order went through.
By phone: (206) 339-9646 Available Monday - Friday 5 am - 6 pm PT and Saturday 8 am - 4 pm PT
Or online: Wyze.com/support (click “submit a request”)
phone support is typically faster however this isn’t always true due to fluctuation in the amount of calls.

I’m gonna steal that! :rofl:

If you could truly figure out how to mitigate a flood of customers all going to one site to buy one thing - you really would be a Kazillionaire and i would be in line waiting to invest…or i guess not waiting in line to invest since that would have been eliminated.

This is frustrating, I understand, and while not justifying it I will say it has happened to every other retailer who is offering a limited number of something that is in high demand. If Walmart, Target, PayPal, Sony, Microsoft, and many others haven’t figured it out with their resources I would not hold my breath for a small startup to be the one.

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A lottery or queue system would be nice. I absolutely hate the F5 gold rush of trying to purchase products like this when the shopping cart end is what determines if you click faster than anyone else and it doesn’t crash on you.

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None of them have because none of them are trying. It’s a customer problem, not a seller problem, otherwyze it would have been figured out, corporate America only fixes what’s detrimental to themselves, ask Joe Camel

Then everyone on here would be complaining about how the lottery is unfair because they didn’t get picked - or the queue filled up to quickly and i can’t get it…they must be full of bots. When there is a limited number of items and unlimited number of purchasers there is always going to be a large group of people upset at how it was done. I personally would much rather have to refresh and “feel” like i have some control over getting the prize than have it be a lottery or queue and i have no idea why i didn’t make the cut.

I though he died… was it food poisoning? or a stroke while running?

This isn’t the first “mistake” Wyze made. It’s getting to be a habit with them. I’m ok with not legitimately getting a car, but when I don’t get it because of borderline false advertising or a faulty order system, it’s just not right. I’ll quickly make my purchases elsewhere. In fact, because of another member here, I found a car that actually looks to be better and less expensive than this one and $0 shipping. It’s a bit smaller, but I actually prefer a smaller car anyway. Going to order that one now…Have a nice day :slight_smile:

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make it 1 per person, and you have to have a verified account before ordering. Then if someone gets one into their cart, place that item on hold and remove it from stock temporarily until payment is received, give someone like 3 chances to pay, if they fail, kick and it falls to the next person in the que etc. you could keep a tab so people knew where they were and could stay in the que with hopes that it gets to them knowing it would take 10 people to mess up etc. WHeres my Kazillion?

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Lotter/queue at least keep the load off the store portion and only on a front end portion running that aspect. That way when you get picked you get to calmly work your way through purchasing instead of being rejected for any number of issues on that back end. Yeah, you’ll have people upset but you then don’t have people angry at the cart system or payment system or any other number of odd backend bugs that arise when the system is under load. As a company I’d rather someone be like “well dang my number wasn’t picked!” than “I spent 15 hours spamming F5 to be denied because my cart errored, or my address wasn’t “best” and the verification system errored 3 times, or I see error X.”

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Thats great!!! Congrats!!! Thanks, I hope you have a nice day as well :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you get paid by the sarcastic comment? If so, where do I get a job application for Wyze?


Saying things is easy…code it and prove it works and I’ll start getting your money ready :upside_down_face:

Wyze isn’t the one signing my checks for the wonderful sarcastic comments you have been enjoying :kissing_heart:

I could do it with a raspberry pi zero

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Is anyone’s working this hour? Still experiencing a crashing website over and over again. Very disappointed.


Well, at 3:00:01 the system put it in my cart, and sent me to a maintenance screen AGAIN. I still have the 2:00 order hung on another screen.


I can’t get them into my cart … .just freezes… then goes back to the Add to cart button and repeat

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Found another new reason to get bounced from the order process. Try to order something using Amazon Payment too many times they start forcing you to verify your CC number.



I for real dont work with or have an affiliation with Wyze so I can’t directly help you. If it was me i would clear anything out of my cart that is currently in there and try again on the next hour. Start a minute early and keep refreshing until something happens, it appears that trying over and over has paid off for many.