Ver: not pushing notifications to android ver:14

After an initial great run with wyze i am increasingly loosing patience as every time an update occurs, wyze fail to advise [clients] of this and from my experience, the first you know of it is when you go looking for something, and discover your not getting notifications. In a desperate bid to get notifications back [despite my better judgement] i paid for 1yr cam plus. Still no notifications

[Mod Edit]: Tag corrected to reflect Cam v2 as it is the only cam to which firmware applies.

Welcome to the Forum, @af1! :wave:

I’m not sure what you mean by “Ver:”. Your post is tagged cam-outdoor-v2, and the latest firmware version I see for that is The latest production Android app I see is If you could provide some more detail about what you’re using and what you’re actually experiencing, then that might help others in the community to provide assistance.

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Have checked both the phone & the app, both are up to date. One thing i do note is thaf the app says thd camera is disarmed and i cant change that

I have just removed the app from my phone and reinstalled.
It appears to now be working [ will advise in the next day or so with progress]
I did note that the disarmed banner was still up?

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