Updates for Wyze Cam Unlimited - 5/9/2024

@peepeep, I think I misinterpreted your comment then. I think the “connection” you would expect would be that if an event is recorded on microSD and tagged in the Multi-Camera Timeline, then playback through that timeline should pull the event from the card’s recorded footage since (without subscription) there is no available cloud footage to stream. So without a subscription, the microSD recording would be substituted for the nonexistent cloud footage for the same event. Is that accurate?

@PaulT, yeah, I think it’s good to share these so that Wyze gets feedback on differing user experiences, and I think that’s probably part of @carverofchoice’s motivation for seeking some clarification. I think a more detailed explanation would probably help to define users’ expectations.


I will take a look at this. Thanks for reporting!


Multi-cam timeline works for all cameras (with or without subscriptions), the difference between non-subscribed cameras and subscribed cameras is that the non-subscribed cameras only see the thumbnail while subscribed cameras see the event videos.
Regarding the SD card, we currently lack an efficient method to sync multiple camera SD recordings into a unified timeline. Before we overcome some technical challenges to directly support playback from SD card, we will include a feature that allows you to navigate directly to the device page for SD card playback.
Hope this help.


That sounds like a cool step. Thanks for the additional detail and insight into future plans. :upside_down_face:


Yes, hope this can help to clarify the multi-cam timeline view:

  1. The multi-cam timeline view only support Cloud video recordings if cameras have services and support Cloud thumbnails if cameras have no subscriptions.
  2. We are working on supporting SD card on the multi-cam timeline view but facing some technical challenges. We will keep everyone updated once we have a clear timeline. Before we support SD card on the multi-cam timeline view with better scrubbing experience, we will include a function to go the device page directly from the timeline to view playback from SD card on the device page.
  3. I will take a look at @jdawson.nf 's issue. Thanks!

Let me know if it helps, I can help to answer more questions. Thank you everyone!


This image shows the app is off by 30 min because i live in a 30 min time zone.

The time on all cameras is correct and in sync.
And viewing an individual camera and events is fine. It is just the timeline in monitoring is broken.

All the best,



@WyzeJxue - Thanks for the response.


Yep. :slight_smile:

Yes it does, thanks! :+1:


Separately, selecting a mix of Cam Plus Lite subscribed cams, and a Basic (no subscription) cam, displays a common event smoothly on the Multi-Cam Timeline: motion videos + snapshot.



Perfect clarification! Thank you! I was hearing some conflicting things from users, so having an official response/explanation from you like this is extremely helpful. :+1:


Are you planning to extend the multi-cam timeline from 24 hours to the full 14 days soon?

We don’t always notice intruders the same day.



Hi, sodcam. Yes, that is planed in next few releases. Once we release it, I will also update you here. Thanks!


Hey there… I was reading through tis discussion and see there is a lot of work being done to fix issues with the new release of the Monitoring Tab and its’ features. Can you tell me if anyone there is working on the other issue a lot of us have been experiencing with no live feed on the web on V3 cameras that were installed after this release ??? There does not seem to be any WYZE people offering input on those discussions at this point…


I have a feeling that Wyze has hit a stone wall on those issues, that’s why they’re being quiet.

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FWIW I have an open ticket with Wyze support about a different issue. Sent logs etc. They said my issue needs to pushed up the ladder to engineering. Basically said, with the thousands of issues going on, expect to wait several months for a resolve. i would expect this issue, and albeit many variations of ythese problems, it will take them some time.


thousands of issues :raccoon:.


Carl Sagan might have had something to say about this estimate…



A short Update… My Cam Plus Unlimited plan got renewed so I thought I would try to reset my new V3 camera that would not provide live feeds on the web. (note: my other V3’s continue to show the live feed) Unfortunately this new attempt at resetting the camera did not correct the issue with new cameras properly providing the services that Cam Plus Ultimate is supposed to give us. It all started near the end of May on any new V3 camera I have tried to add.


Anyone having issues trying to to use the multi timeline tab? It was working and now its says “Oops, something went wrong”. I did all the usual steps like reinstall app, restart phone etc…



I did see someone else mention this recently (maybe today), but I don’t recall where offhand (could’ve been forums, Discord or Reddit, and a quick search didn’t find it).

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My experience with it is inconsistent, at best. Even when the cameras I’ve chosen are all new Cam v4s, the live streams don’t always load quickly (or at all).

You definitely picked the right topic for your post, since this feature is clearly a work in progress, as noted above. Welcome to the Forum, @fong02! :wave: