Update removes options?

I have a Wyze Cam V3 I bought quite a long time ago. I had 12 second recording of all events to the cloud, but after the latest firmware update that seems to have been removed.

Is Wyze removing features from these cameras? I know the later cameras do not have some of these feature, but when I bought this one it was sold as having this feature.

A little more information please. Do you have a CamPlus Lite subscription? That would be the only way you would have 12 second videos. You can check your subscriptions on the app under the account tab.

Yes, I have CamPlus Lite on that camera. I have CamPlus on the other cameras, but this one is a floater and gets used for odd jobs like monitoring the BBQ. I do like to get notified depending on where I am using it, though.

I just went through the settings and found the update had turned off my event recording setting of all motion. I turned it on, and I assume that will fix my problem

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