Unable to turn off camera with last iOS update 3.0.0 (16)

Unable to turn off camera with last iOS update 3.0.0 (16)
Before updating I was able to turn off cam pan v3 or turning it on privacy mode with the app. Now it’s not possible. Not even for other cam v3 cameras

Just tried it with both of my currently operational Pan V3 cameras and privacy mode works fine from both iOS and Android. Same with OFF on v3 cameras.
What is it not doing for you?

It’s saying that camera is off but still recording

And pan camera won’t tilt in privacy mode

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Look Like the malfunction is now over. New re-release firmware update for cam pan v3 and **[] for v3 cam installed and privacy mode is working and when all camera are turned off they are not recording as it should always be.

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