Sometimes that is harder than you would think. Who knows what other things they’ve added or changed since that happened. Now, I only have relatively basic programming experience (I have a certifications, and education, and have programmed some stuff, but I went a different route in my career, and mostly do things for fun now), but sometimes “going back” on something is way more complex than people like to think.
It’s hard to know what all is involved or required. But they likely have to ensure it complies with any new security updates that have happened since then. That alone can be time consuming.
The underlying codebase might have undergone significant changes. Integrating the old feature could require extensive modifications to ensure compatibility with the current system architecture.
The system might have new features that interact with the cloud storage differently. Ensuring the old feature works seamlessly with these new functionalities can add complexity.
Maintaining data integrity and preventing data loss is crucial. Wyze needs to ensure that reintroducing the feature won’t compromise existing data or lead to potential data breaches.
Thorough testing is essential to ensure the feature works correctly and doesn’t introduce new (or previously resolved) bugs. This process can be lengthy, involving multiple stages of testing and quality assurance.
In some cases (though probably not this one), there might be new regulations or compliance requirements that the Wyze needs to adhere to related to any past things they bring back.
Changes in the backend infrastructure, such as database updates or server configurations, might require additional adjustments to support the old feature. We know Wyze has definitely made huge back-end changes in the last few months. So this is probably a big factor.
Wyze might want to improve the user experience by refining the feature before reintroducing it. This could involve redesigning parts of it or adding new options based on user feedback.
All of these factors and more contribute to the complexity and time required to restore an old feature, often making it more than just a simple code reactivation.
In some ways, a thing like this or bringing back anything can be a priority and still take a long time to [re]integrate… In some ways it might take a while BECAUSE it is a priority (take the security and stability way more seriously than other non-priority things). The complexity makes it hard to know unless you’re one of the people with direct access to see everything involved. My programming experience in understanding the complexity involved has taught me to start with giving devs the benefit of the doubt as long as I can’t personally see everything involved.
Though, I still sometimes get impatient and say similar things about how it can’t be hard to fix something, like the WCO cooldown issue that’s a problem since fall 2023. But for something like this, I am not going to make priority accusations within just a couple of months for something that has the potential to have a lot more complexity involved.