Status lights not changing to red when viewing from (Wyze Web Live)

I would argue when viewing a camera from WebView, it IS being viewed, and the light should go red.

Or is this the “stealth mode” voyeur work-a-round?

V4’s, V3P’s, V3’s…

I don’t know. I turn mine off. :smile:

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How do I start my car in the cold?
I don’t know, I have satellite TV…

Just about as helpful…

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Only suggestion I have is submit it under the “wishlist” forum.

Good point.

It is not a wish. It is supposed to be red when it is being viewed.

The documentation does not say it is red when it is being viewed from a phone or a tablet. It says it is red when it is being viewed.

Not sure what to tell you, you can contact support, but I’m guessing that won’t yield much result unless you really stay on them constantly. If you want it to do something it isn’t currently doing, the wishlist is the best way to get that in front of Wyze people.

Unless someone knows of some secret setting or trick somewhere related to web view.

They fixed the other issue with the LEDs not showing right, after they were bad for 4 or 5 firmware versions.

Again, this is an advertised feature not working as it is supposed to, and constitutes a privacy issue/flaw.

Here are the main options to resolve this:

  1. Submit a log and then contact support to get this officially logged in their tracking system with a ticket number that the devs will then use to check the logs and put this into their list of priorities to program a fix for. (This is Wyze’s preferred method for tracking purposes and their official method).
  2. Wait until Fix-it-Friday resumes…which I think will be in January…and submit this to Fix-it-Friday. Jason reports all Fix-it-Friday submissions to the appropriate teams (similar to if you submit a ticket to support), but with FIF, if enough other people agree this is the highest impact issue of all the ones submitted, then Wyze makes it one of their top priorities above other issues and gives weekly status reports on the progress, etc.

Sorry, I can’t personally confirm this issue at the moment since I have a very, very, very stong hatred of LED status lights and always disable them immediately, but if nobody else confirms this issue, then I will go turn some on and test it for you on the web portal sometime when I am at my laptop.

The above models are ones that normally use TUTK for authentication to live stream through the app. I wonder if this same thing happens with any of the Gwell-based cameras that use the lotvideo SDK from Tencent instead like the OG or VDBPro. If someone is willing to test this with an OG camera and see if the same issue of Web portal live streaming not changing the status light on an OG affects those cameras too, that would be very helpful information. It could indicate the status light is tied to the SDK in use during streaming. I know the web portal uses Amazon Kinesis for streaming instead.

Not disagreeing with you. Just not anything other uses in these forums can fix for you, hence directing you to other avenues to get on Wyze’s radar.

Yes, but I know they do indeed see it. They are on these forums, and the forums are on their website. :blush:

Wasn’t sure what a log would do, since I’m not using the app with them when doing this, and it is every cam I own…

But, since opening the webview does start a stream that wasn’t there before, I guess it couldn’t hurt. Just wish there was a way to submit via webview when webview doesn’t think there is a problem.

They don’t see everything here, far from it, this is primary a user to user forum. Even the stuff they do see, they can’t log every single one. You can try calling a few of them out directly, but in reality a ticket needs to get opened or use one of the other mentioned methods to get their attention.

I have been here a long time, I know who they are, I know they see it, I know it is primarily user to user, I know the actual Wyze employees that chime in here from time to time, and I know some monitor it without ever replying back but still take notes. I know it is on Wyze’s site, created by Wyze, owned by Wyze, paid for by Wyze, and managed by Wyze. But keep it up, the more posts that it gets, the more it lights up on their radar.

The last thing they want making waves is more security and privacy issues of all their models of cams across the board without doing anything about it.

Well if you’re so certain and positive, then you’re all set, I’m sure it will be fixed soon.

Et all,

I use the leds to help trouble shooting. From the app the red light comes on any time the camera is in on screen focus.

I was curious about this issue so fired up the laptop and logged into

My test was limited to the 2 cameras I can see from my recliner. An OG-T about 10ft to my left and a Pan Scan v3 about 10ft to my right. I can see both LED’s and I did not move during the test.

What I saw was inconsistency.

In web view I saw all 9 of my cameras. At first I did not see red on either camera, just blue. As I scrolled down both cameras came into on screen focus.

After a few seconds the OG-T turned red. The Pan Scan did not. I full screened the pan Scan. The light stayed blue.

As a sanity check I navigated from cameras to events. The OG-T immediately turned blue. The pan Scan stayed blue.

My take on this is it may be camera dependent. I find that strange. I would expect all the cameras to act the same.

I agree with @jeff_sloan that if the camera is streaming the light should be red. As it is when in the app.

Hope this adds to the body of knowledge.


Thank you for your testing!


Although I don’t use Wyze Web View, I appreciate the testing you’re reporting here, as I imagine that the inconsistency you’re seeing speaks to the point @carverofchoice was making about the streaming differences between camera families. I suspect the behavior you’re seeing with Cam Pan v3 mirrors what @jeff_sloan reported with his cameras, whereas the Cam OG Telephoto’s behavior might differ in the way @carverofchoice suggested about Cam OG.

That doesn’t really solve the immediate problem, but I think that it’s useful data that could help the developers narrow their scope if they decide to tackle this issue.


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