Set bulb to revert to a default color and brightness when lightswitch is flipped

hey all! i have two myze whit bulbs in my hallway overhead light. im using them to set a very dim nightlight for my kid to be able to see in the hallway when he wakes up at night, which im fine having to set that as a shortcut to trigger on the app. however, id like to set it up so when the lightswitch is turned off and back on it will go back to a “default setting” so that you can see in the hallway with normal light. so far, if i make any changes to brightness the only way to change it back to “normal” brightness is with the app. seems silly that the only way i can do that is if i have my phone.

I don’t have the white bulbs, but I do have the color ones. The only settings for power loss (i.e. turning off the switch) is remain off or return to the last state. You might be able to setup an automation to do what you want, but that’s a big maybe.