Return question

Wyze loves to mention their hassle free return policy. My return has been nothing by hassle. The P.O. certainly has contributed to this. I’m curious if others have had issues with returns? How about issues with the P.O. in Hebron Ky, where the returned was sent. Thanks for reading.

I always use Amazon for this purpose.

Welcome to our community.

What kind of hassle? Is always been pretty straightforward to me as long as a return is processed within the 30-day return period.

The only disappointment, though understandable to some degree, is that the initial shipping charge is often not refunded with a return now, just the cost paid for the device itself.

The last time I returned something, I contacted support about doing a return, they just gave me a shipping label, and I put that on a box and dropped it off. That was basically it. Pretty straightforward. What is going differently for you?

Thanks for the welcome. I guess Amazon is the way to go for now on.

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The shipping label was sent right out. But the warehouse refused the package. Package sat in that P.O. for well over a week. Took a month before it was returned to sender (me). Another return label and package went out 27 July. Been sitting in the KY P.O. for over a week. Wyze, to their credit, did issue a credit but only for a bit more than 50% of the amount due. I’m just hoping I don’t take a hit on this. Of course, in the meantime there is no camera at the site I want it for. To be clear, the package is still at the P.O. I tried contacting them. Gave up. They (p.o.) have terrible customer service


The USPS is not user friendly.

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That true