R.I.P. WCO Base

My Original WCO base station finally decided it was time to keel over dead which took all four off my WCO v1 cams off line. Lucky for me I had another base station that WYZE sent me in 2021 to test for an issue I was having. I hooked it up today, did 3 years worth of firmware updates and paired all 4 of my WCO cams to the new station without issue. I am surprised the Original base lasted four years one month and 11 days. Rest in peace old buddy. :grin: :wilted_flower:


Sorry to read this; Iā€™m about at the 4+ yrs mark with my WCOā€™s and base. Glad you had a backup.

Glad you didnā€™t end up with 4 bricked camsā€¦

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I have some lying in wait should you ever need them.


Me too. I have been creative and now have ā€œPlug Inā€ cams (V3, V3 Pro and V4 cams) covering everything without drilling holes through all the walls. I still like to use the WCO for various not important places and they are easy to move around. Thanks @R.Good Iā€™ll keep that in mind.

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@Antonius, not that itā€™s a contest, but the base and camera that was given to me for the final beta test group are both still running. The FIVE year activation anniversary is Wednesday, 12/18/24!

The base no longer gets firmware updates and the camera is sitting on the workbench in the basement. But they are both active and ready for use should the need arise.

And like @R.Good, I have a base that is not in use. Itā€™s still new in the box. (It was part of a WCO comparison beta test I did a year ago.)

Guess it comes down to trust. I would have ensured it was working during the warranty period. Some people are gamblers and thrill seekers. :smile:

Youā€™re right, it does. Of the 100+ Wyze devices I have bought over the past six and a half years, only 2 have arrived DOA.

But, in this case, the base and WCO were part of the beta test, so there was no cost to me.

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The base did not completely die, it just would not connect to to the network anymore while plugged into the router via ethernet, it had the dreaded yellow light. I tried all the things I could think of to get it back working but no luck. I took it apart yesterday to investigate. :laughing:

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Very good.

Did you find any :raccoon: friends inside :rofl:

I found a bunch of stuff I have no idea what it is. :grin:
I know the antenna wire is disconnected which probably happened in the disassembly because the wire is short.

Probably a bit late but did you try different ethernet cable? I bet you did but just making sure cause sometimes we miss the most basic and obvious.

Yes I am currently using the same ethernet cable and power supply on the replacement without any issues. When they sent me the base station I am using now they didnā€™t include a new power supply or ethernet cable.

That antenna wire isnā€™t disconnected, the connector has snapped off the PCB. Solder it back on itā€™ll probably work again. Pop the little white piece out gently and it will be more obvious. Hard to see from the pic but looks like it came from the square under ā€œ90ā€.

Although you said you were using RJ45 so maybe coincidence or happened during disassembly like you said. But it would impact communication with the cams so maybe that is still the cause (not sure how they all interact or what exactly your symptoms were).

I think it used to attach here: The other gray wire goes to the other antenna.

Yeah it would make sense for it to be on the same board just seemed odd that the wire was so short. But regardless, even if it popped off during disassembly, if it was that poorly connected it was probably an issue (the wire connection pops off pretty easily and should take far less force than breaking a solder joint). Was the problem that you lost the connection between the base and cams but the base was still reachable?

The base would not connect to the network. When you first power the base it flashes yellow, then flashes blue when trying to connect and when connected the led light is solid blue. The base started flashing yellow for no apparent reason and would not get beyond that point. Power cycle did nothing, restart of router did nothing. Must be old age :laughing:

Wire end:

If you gently pop that white part out, thatā€™s the female end of the connector and should be soldered to the PCB.

Not sure if lack of wifi would have caused those symptoms or not, maybe it was doing that because it couldnā€™t connect to the cams?

Since most of these cams are single stream (single antenna) Iā€™m guessing one antenna is for the cam connection and the other is for the network (which you werenā€™t using since it was hardwired on that side).

Seems like a smoking gun but could just be coincidence. Maybe someone knocked it on the floor and didnā€™t tell you and something else in there is disconnected also, once solder joints start cracking, it often isnā€™t just one of them.

From the latest pic I see 90 has a resistor/transistor in it so yeah probably goes to the spot you pointed out. Which means you probably have to connect the antenna when it is halfway closed.

There is a screw up in the left corner to take the board out as long as I donā€™t destroy the ribbon connector too. :grin:
My new V4 was at the local post office yesterday at 11:45AM so it should be here in a couple of hours when the mail guy comes around. Iā€™ll play with that instead but I will try to piece the base back together in the near future. I donā€™t think my fingers are made for electronics work. :rofl: