Pet / child locator or tracker (GPS)

Would be cool if you offered one.

A true GPS tracker, in AirTag-like size, form factor and price, with subscription price similar to Cam Plus would be fantastic.

We here all to often about missing persons in todays world. A waterproof wrist band constantly broadcasting ones location could really help solve this problem.

It could be limited in range to an entire region rather than the globe. I understand there are some products that do this on some level now but not as well as could be done.

Small GPS locator for pets

Small GPS locator for pets
There is a lot of room for improvement on GPS trackers for your pets. There is usually a poor battery life complaint, precise GPS locations, and charging difficulties. I currently have a Findster set up, the accuracy is not all that great, they’re very expensive, each module is around $80, my cats have lost several that I was not able to locate even though the tracker had the area down to around a 10 foot circle. And now they are adding on a bunch of things that will cost more, they are changing the entire set up so you have to buy all new, I told them to pound sand. I tried the Apple discs AirTag, but that will only work if there are people around who have an iPhone. Apparently on the busy street I live, not one of my neighbors outside of me seems to be using an iPhone. Its great peace of mind if you have a GPS locator the contract properly one of your loved ones. I would be willing to pay quite a bit for one that actually works.

I would love to see an affordable trackable dog collar!