Person detection at work. So far no issues

See attached video


it has been requested by Wyze mainly for training purposes to turn off the green motion tagging box so the AI doesn’t think that the green box is a common trait for a positive person detection.

if you aren’t marking these clips positive for person detection and sending them to Wyze it shouldn’t be an issue keeping it on. but otherwise turn it off. :nerd_face:

I have also been noticing it is quite accurate


Yup, it’s waaaay more accurate for me even though I have mine looking out a window. The first time using PD v2 it tagged moving cars and lights as a Person, but now it’s 99.99999% bang on. A billion times better than xnor, no joke.

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Mine is working perfectly. I think I’m working at a perfect 100% since that most recent update. It’s properly classifying regular motion (lights, bugs, etc.) separate from the people notifications. I love it! I think it’s better than it was with the previous company in 2019. Great job Wyze!

My person detection works pretty well it has not failed to detect people. But… it has detected my dog as a person numerous times.

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Person detection works great for me. Detects my fish swimming around as regular motion and tags my wife and I moving around the house as person detection. Good work Wyze folks!

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I would say mine in better than 90% accurate. Still get events with absolutely nothing - no visible motion of any kind that I can see (with tagging turned off).
Far better than Xnor!
Keep sharing those videos. This looks to be a really good product in the making!:sunglasses: