I took the larger “pool” away because nobody used it for more than a month and I got tired dumping out the old water that was turning green.
Run with the goods Lucia
This crew is always in a hurry.
She looks blown dry.
She probably just departed the Possum Pretty Parlor or it could be that she is standing about 5 inches from the camera.
You kind of have a knack for naming businesses. You should maybe be a consultant. Loose shoes, something and something.
Or for use as an avatar:
I want him alive so I can ask him why he killed the cloud.
Interesting. It could be the just that. I looked up some studies and one says (amongst a ton of stuff I didnt understand) that the reflectance spectra of freshly fed individuals and Acetabularia cells resemble each other as both reflected far red light and showed low reflectance in the red and blue regions due to absorption of light.
Evil looking creature.
Slow Night, only two of the gang showed up.
Water supply abuse.
More evidence from the WCO v1
Good climbers, I’ve watched them climbing the trees in my backyard.
Cute. Is that a baby? I hadn’t thought of them as climbers.
Nothing cute about them, heary rats
From this year’s litter. About 4 months old.
Forest Kitty got Forest Squirrel