Seems more likely there’s an issue with the camera or the firmware and it’s not being fixed, at least for the batch. New ones seem to work, but I’m not running the last firmware though, yet. thanks for continuing to comment and provide tried solutions
We may be a small club, but I think we still count. My experience was more like summers. Worked fine a few months. Then did not. Now flakey. (Orientation tracking on one of them has always been flakey). Both cams have been indoors only in a well climate controlled space.
New bigger SD is working in one cam for now. Time will tell.
Overall the v3 pan has been my least reliable Wyze product. But as pointed out, they are cheap… whatcha gonna do?
Yup, v3 pan had been my most unreliable. I’ve been with wyze since the very beginning When they first came out. I still am using V1 cams. I have V1, V2, V3, v4 (never worked) and V3 pan.
I seem to have multiple issues. It tells me the card is not there but then it shows me in one of the screens that it is in fact there. It tells me that it can’t show me the events on the event page yet I can go into the camera itself and see some of the events even though it’s telling me there’s not a card there.
We use high quality SD cards. And while this camera is outside it is underneath an eave where it is protected from weather.
It’s got plenty of power from the receptacle. I plugged it in with a different plug as well. It’s the same issue.
I seem to be having several different issues with it. My husband even took it off of the auto pan feature because it will get stuck looking behind itself and then it’s like it can’t figure out how to go back.
I just looked and I thought that I had had this almost a year but it turns out I’ve only had it since like May or June.
I’m getting really frustrated with the wyze cams. Like I said I’ve been with them since the beginning so about a decade or so I think.
I’m just finding more and more issues with the newer cameras. My older cameras just don’t have these issues. And I’ve even used my older cameras outside in the Pacific Northwest in the winter and I still don’t have these issues
I remain leary about buying a pan cam myself, but what about your v4?
My v4 has worked from day one.
I started with v2s and then v3s and then one v4. Recently bought an OG.
Mine are problem-free now, wasn’t in the beginning. My experience is that the pan cam V3’s wireless is a little weak, compared to the Vxx models. I don’t have the moving waypoint issue, either.
Motion tracking can be a little weird when it’s outside and it’s windy.
I have two different pan v3s from different batches (came with different style mounts) neither has had any SD card issue other than the viewing from events tab bug (which is app related).
Sorry for trying to help - wasn’t even replying to you. Feel free to ignore or block me.
Mine have been great, no more or less reliable than my OGs which are also pretty solid.
This is a known issue/bug with the app itself (and may or may not depend on the revision of the v3/v3Pan cam). Personally I don’t use the events tab to view clips so didn’t notice until after others mentioned it. I’m just used to going to the main camera screen and to the SD card from there, which works.
Yeah so was my first one, but I learned that when mounted upside down (camera on bottom) it really doesn’t matter, water will find a way in unless you build a cover for the bottom. I didn’t want to do that so just mounted the replacement right side up. Not sure if that’s the issue in your case but worth mentioning.
Not sure what you mean - have you voltage tested the receptacle, wall adapter, and USB cable? That’s why I suggested trying a totally different wall adapter and cable just as a test to see if it made any difference, since you don’t need special test equipment to do that. One common sign of poor power to these cameras is corrupting SD cards.
Yeah that’s common on one of mine too, when the IR lights are on, it is mounted on a white wall and the lights reflect off it. But it finds its way back quickly enough. My other one doesn’t use the IR lights and rarely gets “lost”.
I don’t have older cameras to compare to, but the issues I’ve had have been related to the new app and bugs introduced with updates. I think they’re stretched too thin with the major app overhaul and all the new products being released.
So interestingly, and mildly tangential… so far the brand-name “High-Endurance” Micro SD cards I have been able to find are rated at a significantly lower write-speed (40MB/s) than the cheapest of MicroCenter’s house brand cards (60MB/s). Just an interesting point of interest. Presumably we are to accept this as a trade off for durability.
(However both significantly exceed what should be necessary to record well in excess of the resolution a Wyze camera is capable of… particularly if the card manufacturers honestly mean MegaByte and not Megabit in that write spec.)
Are they the same capacity micro SD cards? If different, the comparison is meaningless.
For what it’s worth, I received my new PanCam V3 yesterday along with a microSD card branded by Wyze. That was their “deal” last week. I used it to replace my functioning (but not recording to SD) PanCam V3 and for now, all’s working well. Interestingly, the PanCam went through 4 sets of firmware updates before settling on the latest version. Leads me to believe that the camera had been sitting around for a while, eh?
Sounds plausible. Maybe check update history dates?
I recently installed a Wyze floodlight (been in a box for some time… my fault) and it did the same thing. It did, however, have a date code on the light housing. Small sticker. Looked like month/year format (or maybe year/month).
Yup. 64 to 64. 128 to 128.
Yes endurance rated cards will have slower write speeds, that’s normal, and as you say is the trade off you pay for the higher endurance.
The camera only needs to write about 10MB per minute, so not a concern.
The Wyze SD cards are middle of the road (I think someone said they are rebranded Lexar, but I’m guessing that can change any time). If you’re doing continuous recording, keep an eye on it, may eventually need to swap it for an endurance rated one. But if it is a Lexar, they’re still pretty decent cards.
Im in it too. Sounds to me like they have set the cameras up to stop working with sd cards or the accounts so the cameras will be basically useless after a certain amount of time so they can get people to hopfully buy new cameras because multiple of my cameras which are even different versions and are from a couple months old to a few years old, all began having this same issue all at the same time. Worst part is it has effected a time period where i was being robbed so im not even in possession of the footage needed to prove who was behind the theft thanks to their cameras acting as if everything is working properly when it wasnt. Personally their little trick wont work for this consumer, Im not buying any more of their cameras unless they can make my footage reaccessable or at least set up their system to not appear fully functional when it isnt. It should have notified me that it was not recording to the sd card and if i have an unlimited subscription as i do it should still allow me to access the full video on the cloud than or something. Afterall, if it records to both the cloud and the sd card why cant i still pull up the full video through the cloud? I used to recommend Wyze cameras to everyone but between this and their backwoods agreement making their cameras not work through roku unless you buy the wyze cam incognito stamped as roku cameras Ive just about had it with them and for sure will never recommend them to even my worst enemy!
Your conspiracy theory is just that. Total nonsense.
I have 7 cams working with SD cards for over 1.5 years, same SD cards they were installed with.
I’m not buying into the sinister plan to steal my recordings, but I have not found the middle generation of Wyze cameras to be as rock solid as the early ones. I don’t have enough new ones to make a call there.
Having said that, the new 128GB card in my flakey Cam-Pan v3 seem to be working well so far. A week in and it’s not gone wonky again. The old card tests fine on a computer, but I can’t swear how old it was. They are cheap.
Interestingly that same camera was guilty of random navel-gazing for quite some time. I’d set it up, it would pan/scan great for a day… and then I’d find it in the “Privacy” position - looking at it’s own base. Weirdly, it’s not OFF when it does that. It’s just staring at its shoes. Unplugging/resetting/re-learning waypoints would be fine awhile. Then back to hanging its head for no reason.
It has not done that since I put the new SD card in. Coincidence? Hmmm. Enquiring minds want to know!
Seems unlikely, but maybe when the IR LEDs are on (which often causes it to look down at the base due to the reflection) it was trying to record whatever event made it face down and it got stuck unable to record? Or just total coincidence.
I have one v3 that was originally mounted cam on bottom as it needs to look downward, but after water got in and damaged it that way, I went cam on top on the new one. I painted the top of the base using a light absorbing paint to reduce the reflection from the IR lights so it doesn’t stare at itself as much. Now I just need to paint my garage that same color and it won’t ever get lost
Suppose I should bite the bullet and just get an external IR illuminator, this is the only camera that ever needs IR as my driveway is fairly dark.
Welcome to the Forum, @KayJ!
Unless I missed it, I didn’t see where you said you have your cameras set for Continuous or Events Only microSD recording. Your selection, along with the microSD card size, will determine how far back in your history you can expect to see video before it’s erased by newer footage, so if you’re trying to preserve evidence of a crime then I’d suggest pulling the card(s) from the relevant camera(s) as soon as possible. This will also allow you to pop the cards into a PC and (if the footage is still available) retrieve the highest-quality video for evidence (in contrast with trying to pull recordings via the app, where compression will reduce the video quality).
I’m not a subscriber, but my understanding is that only triggered events (with pre-roll in some cases) are saved to the cloud. Again, if you mean “full video”, you likely won’t have access to everything your camera sees unless you’re doing Continuous recording to microSD.