The V4 cameras are very poor quality. Poor resolution and a really stupid interface. V3 is miles ahead in quality.
It’s no wonder they were selling them so cheap.
I bought 8 V4s. I just returned 8 V4s.
The V4 cameras are very poor quality. Poor resolution and a really stupid interface. V3 is miles ahead in quality.
It’s no wonder they were selling them so cheap.
I bought 8 V4s. I just returned 8 V4s.
Ok so write a list of everything that is wrong with this V4 video. And yes I have 6 V3 cams and I don’t think they are “miles” ahead but they are still good. The small is 24 feet 10 inches from the camera and looks Ok to me. So what do you not like?
For me, image quality goes in this order
Have had and compared all 3. The v3 was terrible when there was any sort of movement. Perhaps your v4s are stepping down to 360P (a known issue discussed other places here)?
All of the new cameras models as of several years ago use the “new” user interface. It is different tho the “old” UI that the V3 cameras uses, but both accomplish the same thing. I have dozens of cameras on each.
BTW, I prefer the old UI, but the new one works fine - just different. In all probability, if you had never seen the old UI, but had several years experience with the new UI, and then got a older camera model that used the old UI, you would be complaining about how different the old UI is.
BTW, I do prefer the old UI, but both work fine.
Me too because I keep forgetting that the download icon is now shown under “more”.
In all probability? No, i’ve had these cameras for years and refuse to update my UI since the major update. Why can’t they leave well enough alone? IT nerds are always sticking their hands and things and screwing them up.
So confrontational. Relax.
Nope I just want to know what is wrong with the V4 video, you didn’t answer the question.
You are the one who said the quality and the resolution are poor, Why?
You completely missed my point. Read what I said about having never seen the old UI until you had used the new UI for a couple years and you would be bitching about how different the old UI was. It’s just different - overall not really better or worse, just different,
For years now I have known and respected you to be an intelligent and fairly articulate guy, so I am interested to hear your thoughts on why that is that you prefer the old UI.
First I will explain why I prefer the new UI. Then I will posit my hypothesis about why I have assumed people prefer the old UI, and then I’d like to hear if you have other good rationales for why you prefer the old one over the new one especially if they are different from the reasons I listed.
I really can’t think of anything that is better about the old UI other than people being more “used to it”…what is it that you like better about the old UI?
If it were up to me, I would encourage Wyze to upgrade all devices to be consistent on the same new UI, rather than having them fragmented into different UIs. Rarely do new people who start with the new UI and then buy an older model camera ever complain about the new UI or think the old UI was better. Only people who are used to the old UI like it better as far as I’ve seen (and yes, I know people who started with the new UI and then got some of the older UI cameras on sale or given to them, including one of my brothers).
While anyone is welcome to answer my question, I specifically asked @K6CCC since he admitted he prefers the old UI and I have long respected his thoughtful and logical considerations for many things, so I am interested to hear why he has that preference if it is different from one of the above psychological and sociological reasons related to familiarity.
And don’t get me wrong, many of the above psychological and sociological things listed above are VALID reasons to prefer the old UI even if the new one is demonstrably “BETTER” in some ways (which may not be the case), I’m not saying it’s not a valid reason. I just haven’t heard a lot of compelling rationales outside of those reasons for how it is better, just how it is preferred due to familiarity, which is 100% a totally acceptable reason when a person is able to navigate quickly and efficiently because they’ve mastered the old way they’re used to. That’s a valid reason. But it is still just due to familiarity.
Well stated.