One of 5 monitors did NOT append new v4 camera

I have 8 cameras with 5 monitors. Four of the five monitors appended the new v4 camera. Three of the monitors are identical Samsung Android Tablets. Two of the Samsung tablets updated to new camera automatically, One did NOT. Everything else is functioning well on all cameras and monitors. I’m only missing a camera selection on one of three samsung adroid tablets.

On the one that is not working, do a force stop on the Wyze app and then restart the app. If that does not work, do the same thing, but before restarting the app, reboot the phone.

Thanks for the information
Force Stopped and restarted, failed
Forced stopped and Rebooted the tablet, failed

Log off of the app, force stop, then start the app and log back on.

Logged off of the app, force stopped, then started the app and logged back on.
Still no 8th, new camera.
Interesting observation, the new camera, though not showing up in HOME or Firmware Update, but is showing up in EVENTS.

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