Note 3 is half a minute to a minute behind action

I have a s7 and a note 3 on the same wireless. The S7 works fine, the note 3, which I want to use as my main monitor, is between half a minute and a full minute behind the display of the S7. Is there a fix?
thanks for any help
there is a problem in the Create a new Topic module with the requirements for a tag

The issue with the Note 3 is most likely the removal of hardware acceleration in the latest WYZE Android release. It is an issue they are working on and I know its top priority. Currently the only fix is to roll back the app to V2.4.82. I have attached a link below. Also remember to uninstall the current version first and turn off automatic updates.


Thank you Jason

Jason, everything works perfect, but I cannot find a setting where to turn off automatic update

Go into Play Store…then open the hamburger menu (three lines on upper left)…tap on settings and there should be a setting for auto-update of apps. Turn that off until the solve the issues and that will keep it from updating to the current ‘broken’ app.

:+1: thanks