Not recorded events

I have the floodlight and also added the second v3 powered by the back USB port . For a really long time now , the main v3 does not record events .

For example when the floodlights get triggered on the second v3 records the events but the main v3 does not .

The motion detection sensitivity is at 75 and the height of the camera is up at around 10 ft.

The cameras set to record an event when it detects motion . No events get recorded and uploaded to the cloud but when I view the playbsfk of the event the camera motion tags the motion but never uploads or records an event .

Any help here please and thank you


Again and again . My floodlight camera will not record when the floodlights come on . The camera doesn’t motion tag , my camera is set to record when motions detected and the motion detection sensitivity is at 70 …

Any help here please and thank you

The reason I want this is so I can see when the floodlights come on. What triggered them on

same! despite my settings, i have never been able to use this feature even once.

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