"No video at the selected time" V3

I wonder how event recording works from out of the country? Would intermitent recording fare better or would that be totally useless?

I’m not sure location matters, it’s set to your phone timezone, no matter where you are.
In the forums, there’s issues like husband has USA east Coast time zone and wife has Pacific Time Zone for some odd reason
With only way it was fixed was a complete reset and install, if I understood it correctly.

So, it could only be only display issue, but could also wreak havoc if suddenly camera got confused.

Or could be unrelated. Who knows

I didn’t have time zone issues when traveling. Even when I’m in a different time zone, others at home could view the same SD card data without issue.
The recording / SD card issue does seem to briefly when whenever you place a new SD card in the camera. It begins recording fine, you can view some of the video going back, and the green bar shows recording is happening. But a few minutes later it stops. Or the first time I try and pull up event video the “no video” error immediately comes up and all recording stops.

been having this issue with microSD card in my pan cam V3 for a month now, since the last firmware update. I’ve posted about in multiple places, and contacted support. Was offered a $10 gift card for my 14 month old camera.

My micorSD card is either not found, not supported, or not recording. I’ve tried different cards, even bought a bigger card. I’m hoping the next firmware update fixes the issue, or a prime days discount is worth buying a new panv3 and see what happens.

Lasted another 3+ days and started skipping sections again, and shows green sections on timelines, but nothing recorded.

Reformat (2nd time) and working as intended. All 3 camera’s, started within day of each other.

Looks like I need to set reminder for biweekly reformatting of SD card if I really want to use continuous recording via SD card

Wow. This thread is from February, and I am now in December experiencing this issue after reinstalling my cameras after I moved into a new home. They worked perfectly for years, gave them as gifts, and recommended them to others. Is there really no solution yet? Guess I have to find a different camera company.

Same issue here + the app is filled with ads to subscribe, its so annoying, we should have a way to disable that. I paid for this product!! There are so many its hard to find the few features that work, if any!

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Welcome to the forum.

Seems like you are a long-time member but first time poster.


For ads, check settings on the app’s account notifications.

For the other issue, explain your situation with some detail.

Ot is also a good idea to log your issue with support, since this is a user to user forum.

This is so frusterating i have three wyze cameras and a wyze doorbell and they are all doing the same thing. i’m almost done with them they are junk! does anybody know of a solution ?

If you have 4 devices that started suddenly doing it, I’d suspect an error with the app. Try clearing the cache in the app and in your OS for the Wyze app, and then ideally uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

Another possibility is that you had a power blip or brownout and it corrupted the cards. First, try formatting the card using the app. If that doesn’t work, you can try pulling one card and formatting it in a PC (ideally using the formatter utility from sdcard.org) and see if that helps, if it does, do the other 3.

I tried everything for several weeks when First put SD card in. I reformatted (multiple times), resynced, cleared cache, every suggestion listed. It would stop at consistent weird times, then restart if I rebooted or reformated etc.
My only hope was what one post commented, something to effect that, they finally gave up and 3-4 weeks later it just started working again.

And that’s what happened to me.
About 3-4 weeks ( after I gave up and swore many times) I looked and the 3 cameras were now continuously recording correctly. A year later, I’ve had a few hiccup’s where a ransom camera quit for part of a day, but comes back. (Of course it errors when it was something important to review)

So somewhere in the code, there seems to be an unknown bug/issue/conflict that continuously stops/interrupts recording for ‘some’ people with new cards or revamped setups.

But if you’ve set everything up correctly, there’s a chance, a slight hope, that 3-4 weeks later it just starts working without any additional changes.

Your result’s may vary.