Lights left on

Automation notification if light is on and no motion for 1 hour.
Purpose: I forget and leave the lights on in the basement. Camera could send notification.

You should post this in the “wishlist” forum.

Wyze can’t do this…HomeAssistant with the Wyze add-on can.

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Yeah, I “wish” I could post it there. I have tried multiple times. I read the “how to” … I searched … nothing like it found … I read …. I gave up ….
If you can, please do.

As many here know, my Smart Home is controlled by Hubitat Elevation (HE)

This wish can be easily handled by HE.

I created a ‘rule’ to do exactly what you want.

I don’t receive any compensation for my recommendation and am offering an alternative.

Wyze would need to add more logic to automations, like this wishlist requests:

and the ned for a trigger when motion has been clear, which is requested here:

in this wishist topic:

And need the ability to send a custom notification, which is requested here:

in this wishlist topic:

Visit those wishlist topics and vote and comment on to show support!