Lamp Socket Auto settings don't seem to work... lamp is always on

Thank you all for info sharing here. We are currently working on another quick fix for this.

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Just want to open a quick survey here. May I know how many of your issued lampsockets are running rules like “turn on when detecting persons”. And have you set the schedule for that yet?


I have 2 lamp socket + v3 setup and this issue really only happens with my back yard setup. I suspect this is because there is more activity between our house and garage (we rarely use our front door). But I have noticed the front door lamp occasionally remain on.

Advanced settings for v3 cams are the same for both, with one exception. I use “Far” for my back yard Night Vision IR Lights and “Near” for my front door. Everything else is set to Record to SD Card, Continuous, Night Vision Mode: Auto and Dark for conditions.

The advanced settings for my lamp sockets are identical. Auto, Motion is detected in the dark is enabled. Timer is 1 minute.

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No rules or schedules relating to the lamp socket, just the turn on when detects motion in the accessories > lamp socket page.

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Hello everyone, I also have the same problem that the lamp socket won’t turn off after motion activated. Log # is 928351 thank you for looking into it!

It never worked for me neither… I finaly decided to make an automation like this and this is working!

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It seems this issue is returning, I’m having it happen again

This worked for me too! Thanks for sharing, great idea :ok_hand:

Yes, more frequently for me too.
I have Auto & Detects Motion with 2 Lamp Sockets Sync’d to each other.

The secondary socket always loses its way & stays on all night until I turn on & off the light switch that powers both.

V3 and socket, having the same problem. Light occasionally turns on at night and never turns off even on auto, motion and 1 minute timer…

These lamp sockets are total crap, don’t buy