Log ID 646711
It got stuck on this morning. Log: 667503
Thank you guys! I am also able to repro the issue on my testing unit here. Right now is working with dev to fix this issue on the next v3 firmware release. Will keep you updated.
Great, thx!
Wow, this next firmware release has so many awesome updates coming, I am excited for it.
Also, we really appreciate you taking the time to confirm and replicate issues like this and test them out and help make sure they get resolved. Your activity here in the forums is invaluable. We really appreciate the work you put in.
I have the same issue. No matter what I set the socket to, my light comes on and stays on. It will not turn off automatically, ever. I have to turn it off every morning. The first motion trigger at night will cause the light to remain on.
This is a temporary fix but right now I set a rule that turns on the light when a motion is detected and an other rule that turn off the light at sunrise. The light stay open all night tho but this is the best I can do with the situation right now,
This has been happening almost daily all the sudden.
Remove power to camera/socket and reboot it. Will make it ok for a few days.
Supposedly there will be a firmware fix at some point, will it be fixed? not so sure anymore.
We are able to locate the issue and are currently working on fix for this. I am wondering if any of you could please do me a favor. Under this lampsocket setting page. Could you please switch from “motion is detected in the dark” to any other option and switch it back. Like a refresh on this setting. And if you still experience lampsocket open during day time. Please let me know. Thank you so much!
Will do, but it being stuck on doesn’t happen every day, so I will give it a few days and see if it ever happens.
Glad you found the issue, thanks for looking into it!
I will do that…though to be quite honest, I WANT an option for it to turn on the lamp socket during the daytime. I also use these indoors during the daytime to try to have automatic lighting when I walk into a room. Camera sees motion, turns on the lamp socket, motion goes away for 5-10 minutes, turn off lamp socket. I want it to do that 24/7 because sometimes it’s not bright in the room even though it’s the middle of the day. Right now there is no other better way to have automatic lighting indoors with any Wyze product. I have basically every product and I’ve been sobbing about this for years.
But yes, I will try out what you suggested.
Okay @WyzeDesmond you guys did GREAT! I did as you suggested and my lamp socket timer is finally working again for the first time in months! THANK YOU!
I swear I tried this already a while ago and it didn’t fix it (I also tried so many other things like unplugging it, etc), so you guys must have changed something to get it to work again. Whatever you did, THANK YOU for getting the timer to start working again finally!
Thanks for the update. Glad it works and we hope to completely fix it in the next firmware. May I know your V3 camera firmware version?
Yes sir:
V3 firmware:
Lamp Socket Firmware:
Appreciate you guys handling this pretty quickly once you found out about it. I should’ve brought it up way sooner! I was just procrastinating and slacking…but as soon as you found out you handled it pretty quickly, so thank you.
Thanks! And one last favor if you don’t mind. Could you please submit a log for this camera. We would like to check what was the cause before.
Sorry it took so long, the log keep failing to go through. Finally canceled and went back in and that got it to work!
Log 675811
Remember, if you want to compare that to my previous log, here is the log I sent you when I was having problems:
So, the only problem is that now the timer shuts off based on the FIRST motion detected only instead of 10 from the most recent motion detected. For example, I think it used to work like this:
If lamp socket timer is set to 10 minutes then say the following occurs:
- 10:00 PM - Movement of person present for 5 minutes (until 10:05PM)
- 10:05 PM - Person leaves view of camera, motion stops
- 10:07 PM - Person returns and starts a new motion event and continues walking around for 8 minutes (until 10:15pm)
In the past, the above scenario would mean that the lamp socket turns on at 10pm and the 10 minute timer would be reset as long as there is any motion, including when the person comes back at 10:07 pm starting a new motion event. Since motion restarts at 10:07 that means the timer should be reset to keep the lamp socket on until at least 10:17, but because motion continued until 10:15, the time keeps resetting until 10:15pm and then the timer counts down 10 minutes and turns off at 10:25. That’s how I swear it used to work for me before.
NOW the timer is never reset. In my test I just ran, the lamp socket receives the first motion trigger at 10PM and even though there is a new motion event at 10:07 pm, it totally ignores this motion event. The person is present and walking around in front of the camera with a new motion event that should’ve restarted the timer and yet the lamp socket still shuts off at 10:10pm even though there is a person still actively moving around with motion. That is a logic flaw that causes the lamp socket to shut off even if a person is in the room or on the porch, etc. Instead, in the above scenario, the lamp socket timer should continue to be reset as long as any motion exists on the camera because each instance of motion is a new event that should start a new 10 minute timer (and ignore the initial timer period). So basically the timer should work like an “Is clear for x minutes” function…otherwise it will automatically shut off even when there are still people present.
Maybe you can’t fix that, but hopefully the feedback helps you see the weakness of the current automation logic.
Switching that setting don’t seem to fix the problem for me…
The motion detected in the dark will sometimes never open the light and sometimes leave it open without closing it. Sunset to sunrise is working most of the time.