Is it possible to set Modes with Wyze Cams?

I have several Wyze Cam V3 cameras, and I was wondering if it is possible to set MODES to simplify things.

For instance, I also have EufyCams, and I can set an Away Mode that activates all of my cameras when I am going out, or a Sleep Mode that will only activate my outdoor cameras, but not my indoor cameras.

It seems with the Wyze system, I have to set each camera individually!

By activate do you mean set to record? Turn on motion detection? Turn on?

Have you checked out shortcut rules? You can create a shortcut rules that can have many actions, which is manually controlled by a button by its name at the home page of the Wyze app.

Making that shortcut rule, makes this button on my home page.

I have my devices grouped by location, so I don’t need to add an action for each outdoor camera, just use a blanket action for the group that is applied to each.

There are plenty of actions you can apply to cameras:

There is the home monitoring service coming out soon that I think has different modes, but I don’t know how those will intergrate yet.


Thanks a lot! This is what I probably need to do. Very useful.

Thanks again.