How to send alerts to several phones and an email

We need the alerts to be sent to both our phones. Also would like to send to an email address. Is this possible? How?

Alerts to both phones is easy. Either share all the devices to the other person’s Wyze account, or have both people sign in to the same Wyze account (I’d only recommend doing this with someone like a spouse). Both phones should get the same notifications.

Email isn’t something offered by Wyze directly, however, you can probably use a 3rd party solution like IFTTT to be able to have it send emails whenever certain triggers occur.

I see you tagged iPhone/iPad, so you might be out of luck on most other workaround solutions to get an email that I would’ve recommended, such as using something like Macrodroid or Tasker or other customization apps that could process custom actions like that.

There is almost definitely a way to do it through Home Assistant’s 3rd party Wyze API, but that is a much more complicated method that would be hard to recommend to most people, depending on their level of technical familiarity.