Homemade Occupancy Sensor: Using Webhooks, IFTTT & Wyze Motion Sensors

The answer is yes. I solved this using yet another Applet. Here are the three applets that I have:

  1. When the motion is clear timer is started, using the service as mentioned at step 2 in this article.
  2. When the timer timed out the switch is turned off, as mentioned in step 3 in this article.
  3. When the timer detects a motion it cancels the timer. This is a new applet. Let me add more detail.

Step 4: Create a new IFTTT Applet. For the THIS action use “Motion sensor detects motion”. For THAT select the Webhooks service to “make a web request”. In the URL section use the following:
In the URL your EVENTNAME can be anything - mine was BASEMENTOFF. The key needs to be your personal key from step 1. The method should be GET and the rest can be left alone.