Hello. I have about 19 cammeras. From the v3 pro to v4 to remote cam v3. When you try to view stuff in playback I see video jitters and shakes. If I format the sad car it’s good for a couple of weeks the. Starts again. So I have been formatting every card remotely using the app and it’s so tedious and long to do one by one. Can anyone or maybe Wyze tell me how to format all at once. It would be awesome.
Don’t believe there is any way to do that.
If you want to attempt a permanent solution (test it on a few first), remove the card, place in a computer and use the SD card formatter from SDcard.org to do a full overwrite format. It will take a while depending on the size of the card, but it will put the correct structure on the card and also mark and block out bad cells that may have worn out.
How old are the cards? If you’re doing continuous recording, it is possible they’re just starting to hit the end of their life.
If the are 32GB and under they should come out of the utility as FAT32. If above 32GB, they will be exFAT. Both work fine in these cams from what I’ve seen. Once they’ve been formatted once in the utility, the built in formatter in the cams seems to work fine (though I rarely need to use it).
That’s a cool idea, and it appears to have been requested in a Wishlist topic:
I don’t know if or when Wyze will get around to acting on some of these higher-demand Wishlist items, but it couldn’t hurt to vote there and add your use cases/comments.
I also think @dave27 has good guidance and questions.
That has been my experience. I f works don’t mess with it.
That what break things. Ask frog.
I can agree with that.
Be happy with what you got.
In principle I’m onboard 100%. In reality sometimes I can’t resist messing with stuff trying to make it a tad bit better (FAFO if you will).
However formatting the cards isn’t one of those things, unless something has happened to mess it up. Flash memory is very good at managing itself as long as it has the correct foundation to start with. And considering there have been past problems with the built in formatter, no sense in rolling the dice.
Dude, this stuff is so random I can’t even tell ya.
- Hunker down
- Establish check points
When things are going right.