Forum Operations Feedback Thread

I’m on it!


Hmm… All of the ones I’m finding already have it linked. @Loki? Do you know of any without it?

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I could be wrong but I think what @gemniii means is to make this at the top of the home page a hyper link.
maybe just this part , the official support site


Ah! Thank you very much!

Looks like this requires altering a bit of code so I can’t make an immediate change but I’ll see about getting it in the to-do list for the appropriate person. :slight_smile:


Thanks @HDRock for translating and thak @UserCustomerGwen for getting it in the to-do list,


You’re welcome! :slight_smile:


I have been reading this particular thread on and off when I have time. There is an amazing amount of info on forum usage buried in here! Do you know of any way to get an extra 15 or so hours in a day, or is there a hidden time warping setting somewhere? :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::wink:


I was actually talking to @UserCustomerGwen the other day about more hours in a day and more days in a week, more weeks in a month. Somehow there has to be a solution

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I hear R&D is working on it, but so far all attempts just put the devs asleep. So its kinda counter productive at the moment.

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I hear that sleep is a good thing. … I wouldn’t know. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Jason may have sassed me this morning.)

I remember sleep… I think…

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that is very true. you already have plenty already upset with wyze own products.

20 posts were split to a new topic: Bulb beta vs production firmware versions

@HDRock, that’s because Wyze Bulb hasn’t had a public firmware update since it launches. The release notes are basically all of Wyze Bulb functionality.

MODERATOR NOTE: The reply to @HDRock was in regard to bulb firmware versions. That discussion has been moved here: Bulb beta vs production firmware versions as it did not relate to forum feedback.

@davidjaybush, I saw your posts about web viewing and I’m sharing them with the team. I’ll continue to share feedback and requests with them. We aren’t perfect at this point but we do want to improve our services and products.

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I thought this was a thread on the “new forum” - it seems to have lost its identity. But if this is a feedback on your forum - The worst forum I have ever had the misfortune to use. Threads are VERY difficult to navigate ( moving from first post to last post takes forever - you have to keep scrolling).
No idea what all the little picture circles are for or what they mean.
Search is useless.
A forum should be for information - skip all the “cute” - go basic usefulness .

I know that I am a tiny minority and people want to be nice - but I hope you want the truth and not hug so you feel good about everything.

Hi Tango,

Thank you for your note! Change can certainly be disruptive and even uncomfortable. But like all new things the most important thing is to try and ‘give it a chance’ it may grow on you. Wyze and the community certainly do seek out and welcome feedback, positive or not. It is how we learn and grow. Please do feel free to point out specific areas you feel need to be changed or improved. To be useful feedback needs to be as detailed as possible so don’t hesitate to go into depth.

I took the time to try and help with a few of the things you did mention please let me know if you need further info.

Actually you can use the scroll bar on the right hand side to quickly jump anywhere including the end.

The pictures each represent a user that is participating in the thread. The number on the picture indicates how many times that user has participated in that thread.

Thats hard to help you with. I don’t understand your specific issues to be able to address them.

Personally I feel the forum has developed a very unique identity, if you are coming from the old forum I would says its a very different ‘feel’ than the older software. And like all significant change it takes some getting used to.


Hi @The_Tango, Thanks for the input. I also echo @rbruceporter’s thoughts.

First, I want to let you know that I split out all that off-topic discussion about bulb firmware to its own new thread.

The Discourse platform (the underlying engine of the forum) uses a different approach than most forum packages. Instead of embedded replies and sub-replies etc, Discourse keeps everything in chronological order while providing tools to navigate among replies. It definitely takes some getting used to. But most people find it to be a very nice system once they are used to it.

If you haven’t done so, I’d suggest you run the tutorial. To run the tutorial, click your avatar at top-right, then the envelop icon to get to the Messages section. Click New Message. Address the new message to “discobot”. Make the title “tutorial” and in the body put “start tutorial”. There is also a new user guide here: Discourse New User Guide - users - Discourse Meta.

In the mean time, here are a couple of hints:

When you reply, if you click the solid REPLY button, you are replying to the thread. If you hit the open REPLY button on a specific post, you are replying to that person. In that case, there will be a replied-to indicator (eg reply%20indicator ) at the top-right of the post. Clicking this will pop open the post being replied to right there inline. On that popup, there will be an up-arrowimage in the top right corner. Clicking this will scroll you right up to that post in context. Using these links, you can navigate up and down the reply chains.

Regarding search, we are currently looking at ways to restructure the forum to make it easier to find the info you’re looking for. In the mean time, if you click the search icon top-right, then click “options”, you will find the advanced search options which greatly help in narrowing a search. Also, the site is indexed on Google, so you can try just doing a regular google search too.

Hope that helps.


Thanks, it had taken a definite turn towards the light.

One change I would like to see, or maybe it is already there and I just don’t know how to use it, is to be able to see the post I am replying to. Especially on mobile like my tablet.