Firmware update Battery Cam Pro fails

Updating Battery Cam Pros from firmware to Both are turned on, connected to the network, and have full bars. I get the “Loading…” screen for several minutes and then a “Fail The device is not connected” error, which is not true.

try removing the battery for a few seconds and putting it back in then try. Sometimes, the power needs to be removed for it to sync up again. This is an occasional thing I run into.

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Mine failed with the same problem but about a week ago. I suspect it was the firmware. I’ve tried reconnecting by removing the battery at least ten times, still fails to connect.
I found this on another camera post and I have the same mesh system:
“I have a mesh network and single SSID for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. After upgrade, my camera doesn’t recognize my network as 2.4GHz and it cannot be connected”

It is necessary to disable the 5GHz portion of the router and restart the camera prior to attempting the firmware update.

Shouldn’t be necessary unless there is some connectivity problem on the 5ghz band, in which case other stuff on the cam wouldn’t be working properly either most likely.

Personally I wouldn’t want any device that doesn’t have a strong signal on 5ghz, it will just drag down performance for other devices on that band. Considering they don’t need much bandwidth, 2.4 is usually going to be the best place for cams like this.

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Never found it to be necessary.

As noted in the initial comment, both cameras have full bars. All of the other features also work. I even tried placing both the phone and cameras within a foot of the same router, and the update failed everytime. I have probably tried to update at least 20 times over several weeks. I do have a mesh network with the same SID for both 2.5 and 5GHz. I disabled the 5GHz band and the update worked the first time.

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Whatever works is all that counts.

Some routers block certain traffic between the bands (typically unintentionally) so if your phone and cam are on different bands that can interfere. Usually that also manifests in other things not working too but certainly possible something with the firmware update process was the issue.

But it could also just be that the 5ghz signal is strong enough for the normal 1Mbps video stream but when it tries to download a large file it times out. If that’s the case, that’s one of the instances I wouldn’t want it on 5ghz as it is connecting at a very low rate and slowing things down for other 5ghz clients that actually need the bandwidth.