Event Log

Hi. I am wondering whether there’s a way (or a demand) for an event log. I would find it useful to be able to review a log periodically (e.g, weekly) to determine whether there were any events that warrant investigation.

One example might be an after-the-fact report of property crime from a neighbour or reported by the police in a community newspaper). If an event log was available, it would be easy to take a quick look at event or continuous video to see if a street-facing WyzeCam had picked up anything.

Thanks for reading this posting,

Hey there,

The only closely-similar option that you are requesting is event recording (12-second video clips when motion is detected with a 5-minute cooldown).

This can be enabled on a per-camera basis under Camera Settings → Event Recording → Detect motion and/or sound, detection sensitivity and the detection zone can be adjusted under Camera Settings → Detection Settings → Motion/sound detection settings.

There is a log, but I don’t think it lists motion events, rather errors or system logs.
