Does Battery Cam Pro have a "View Playback" Option

Does Battery Cam Pro have a “View Playback” Option like the older cameras did? I do not see it on the Live screen anywhere.

On the BCP, you will see this:

The Yellow arrow pointing down is so you can playback events recorded to the cloud. The Yellow arrow pointing to the SD Card is what you can click on to Play back from the SD Card.

So you can play events similar to other cameras. In addition to this, you can always go to the Events page and filter for that camera.

It should be noted that Cloud Recording is dependent on Cam Plus

Thanks, but my original question does not mention “events”. I understand how that works. My issue is looking at past footage in general. For example, if we had a big downpour of rain the day before, I may want to go back in time and see what flooding took place on my drive. Other cameras will allow you to do this. I have one original Cam Pan that can do this.

The only way to do that is by either using the SD Card and changing the date or by using the Events in the Live Stream page. You drop down the Today at the top and pick a different date. Or, even though you did not mention, go to events and change the date there.

All areas allow you to pick or change the dates

Ok. I will just have to run permanent power to them if I am going to run SD Card on continuously. Otherwise, the battery would only last a day or two.

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